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TopLulla t1_j25lsn1 wrote

I feel your sentiment. I moved from South Florida in May and am going back to Florida for a wedding next week. I can't wait to miss Vermont and hate Florida more than I already did. Vermont really is a special place for me and I'm glad it exists. But you're from Georgia and I know how Georgia can be in some parts. It's more of the same but at least you're not an actual flat lander like me 😂

"Manufactured hell" - Can't say it better than that!


bruclinbrocoli t1_j27ec17 wrote

Yahoo! Another Floridian in VT!! ☺️.. I don’t miss anything about FL other than diversity (mostly about food and music) and my friends and fam. Everything else I rather bring them here than go there. Beaches are great and all but I rather go elsewhere for a beach vacation than deal with parking and driving over there, to say the least.