Submitted by Soci3talCollaps3 t3_100czc7 in vermont

I was curious and thought it'd be fun to see roughly how many of us live in Vermont vs out, and if not here, then where. Also, drop your state or country (I know we at least have some Canadians on here) in the comments and why you joined the subreddit if out of state.

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Achy_Blitz t1_j2h53a4 wrote

I live in Alabama, but I had a nice dream about living in Vermont once, and don’t regret subscribing to the subreddit.


bananabates t1_j2hel10 wrote

I'm in NY, literally 1 mile from the VT border. I think we spend more time in VT than NY for both recreation and shopping


cwbakes t1_j2i3h7w wrote

Florida here. I joined the sub when planning a vacation and you’re all so lovely that I never left the sub. Your state is beautiful, and I can’t wait to visit again.


timecoyote t1_j2h2a9c wrote

I work in VT but live in NH


TimeLady34 t1_j2hnvus wrote

As a transplant from the Midwest west of the Mississippi, your options are vexing...half of the midwestern states are west of the Mississippi.

I joined after I moved - I like learning about all things Vermont.


Soci3talCollaps3 OP t1_j2ho75v wrote

Lol. I was chuckling at myself when I made the list thinking that I probably screwed a bunch of people in the middle North of the country.


zirconer t1_j2h7fr3 wrote

I live in Denver, CO, currently, but I grew up in Hartford.


hotpieismyking t1_j2i11fu wrote

Let's do one for actual counties in Vermont... Obviously most people are probably in Chittenden, but I'm down in Bennington county


willowbeest t1_j2jap7n wrote

Yep, I'm in The Big Chit. Grew up in Addison though, and I really miss it.


zonitronic t1_j2j8mjy wrote

5th generation Vermonter with nothing against transplants or visitors that know how to be mutually kind and respectful with us and each other. I very much enjoy being exposed to all of the different perspectives about this state and its culture in this sub, both from the Vermonters and even more so from those who are visiting- I have learned a lot about this great little state in this sub; thank-you to the MODS who put in the work to make it possible.


Positive_Parsnip420 t1_j2j6iq7 wrote

I’m in New England and like to know what’s going on in the surrounding states.


PolarBlueberry t1_j2mx6nl wrote

This is me, follow all 6 subs. We all agree that the left lane is for passing, not the fast lane.


Shire-Rat t1_j2hxsi6 wrote

I live in MA. I used to live in Vermont and miss it.


syphax t1_j2hbqhy wrote

I'm one of those Massholes with a second home in VT. I don't AirBnB it, and plan to move to VT full time in 2026, so back off.


teachlikeascientist t1_j2hrt1o wrote

In the meantime do you rent it out long term to help the housing crisis?


syphax t1_j2jcmzk wrote

Given that we are there frequently and erratically, this is not feasible at this time.


teachlikeascientist t1_j2hs4ke wrote

Also even if you did AirBnB it, it would be better than letting your house sit empty for the other 48 weekends a year your not here because it would bring people and $$ into "your" community.


syphax t1_j2jcwzl wrote

Damned if you do, damned if you don't... Your estimate of 4 weekends a year is... low, by a large margin.


Silently-Observer t1_j2i3th0 wrote

I live in the Albany, NY but I’m from VT and my family is there. I’d like to move back.


Kayaker8283 t1_j2h37rx wrote

Did live in Vermont but now in Miami.


LeafPeep28 t1_j2jpzso wrote

I live in the Bahamas, I fell in love with Vermont before I visited. I’ve made three trips so far ❤️


blipblapblorp t1_j2mz004 wrote

I bet you could easily do a vacation home swap with a Vermonter!


LeafPeep28 t1_j2notab wrote

Oh I’d love too! I wish I had a couple months cabin stay up there !


NASA_Herpetologist t1_j2hyk4e wrote

Had to move to CT for work a few years ago. I miss VT. Maybe one day I’ll get to move back.


anom_k t1_j2i7vsx wrote

I live like 5 minutes north of Vermont


blipblapblorp t1_j2myuv6 wrote

Is there something you recommend folks check out when driving from Burlington to Montreal? I'd love to turn my next trip up there into a longer exploration of that area.


anom_k t1_j2t0qlb wrote

It's a bit out of the Way, but Magog, Sutton and Orford areas are quite nice. Nothing to interesting directly between Burlington and Montreal though


TwainVonnegut t1_j2hk4n3 wrote

Rhode Island checking in!

My ex is from VT and the subreddit was suggested to me so I thought I’d check it out!


artful_todger_502 t1_j2i8y0v wrote

Moved away due to family emergency, want to come back 😭


Alternative-Bee-8981 t1_j2j506s wrote

Masshole here.

We just love visiting VT and try to go up at least 4-6 times a year. Got married in Stowe last October.


bellairecourt t1_j2kgi7i wrote

I still have an 802 area code in the 207. Missing you, VT. Hope to return some day.


slow-poke-rodriguez t1_j2pvjb2 wrote

I’m from FL, wife is from VT so we split time between both places now. I was scared at first being landlocked and at altitudes above 100’ but freakin love y’all, no billboards, venomous snakes, nobody litters except whoever drinks those twisted teas on my dirt road… I’m gonna find that sumbitch one day…


adhdmamallama t1_j2ifmob wrote

I live in the south but I work in Vermont several months each year. Love Vermont and this sub has been so helpful!


mgswee24 t1_j2j5i5n wrote

Grew up and went to college in VT and live in NYC now. This sub is a little slice of home!


deeruss1 t1_j2kikfq wrote

Grew up in VT, had to leave and go to NY for opportunities.


mozzarella__stick t1_j2mswgj wrote

I live right over the border in MA but I spend a lot of time in Brattleboro.


sugarplummed t1_j2nykvu wrote

Seattle, but we are ready for something different. Visited VT last year, drove all over the entire state, absolutely loved it. We are ready for rural.


AgileAd9579 t1_j2sznhk wrote

My husband is a Vermonter, tho he moved away for college in his mid twenties. I’m Swedish and Finnish, spent a year of high school on VT tho, long ago. We’re thinking of moving up there, but currently reside in Virginia. I just wanted to have an idea of what’s going on 🙂


WesternDark4390 t1_j2iom0u wrote

I went to college in VT 89-91 and have not been back since. I would like to visit some day but unfortunately the college closed.


PorkchopFunny t1_j2ixtqe wrote

NEK born and raised but now in ME with my Mainer H. The day my parents are unable to continue to farm may also be the day we divorce so that I can make my way back LOL. I may be only partially kidding 😀


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2jx6dk wrote

I think Reddit did this as a whole at one point for a bunch of state subs but I can’t find it. At that time less than 1/2 the sub lived in the state sub.


foxinHI t1_j2k3je9 wrote

I lived in VT for over 15 years, but now I'm out west.


blackdogpepper t1_j2kh8db wrote

I live on Long Island but my camp is in upstate ny 1/4 mile from VT boarder. I end up doing most of my shopping and beer drinking in Vermont.


DaddyBobMN t1_j2id1ys wrote

We've had this one before


Soci3talCollaps3 OP t1_j2ier36 wrote

Great. I was waiting for this comment. Hopefully it will have been done many times. Then I can put together a chart of how this has changed over time.