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anom_k t1_j2jg6jn wrote

It's so depressing 😞 I miss winter


Dapper-Ad-7543 t1_j2jod81 wrote

We did the same, I thought it was a nice April to early May day


thatsthatdude2u t1_j2jtke6 wrote

Maybe we should be giving up on New England for any reliable snow or cold winters. Thoroughly depressing


Faerhun t1_j2k9z4j wrote

I'm right there with you, I miss my snow so much. I think our only option is to find someplace that still gets snow. I wish I was able to move someplace that had more. This place used to have the perfect climate until we fucked it up.


Natnew11 t1_j2kjsin wrote

We had ticks again on our hike today.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2kp980 wrote

I never minded the cold, and I like the spring, fall and summer but winter is miserable at this point. It’s muddy, and icy and slushy. Mix in a good dose of freezing rain and that cold damp that penetrates into your bones and it just generally sucks. I send my youngest on the ski program next week for the first time this winter and I’m not sure the mountain will be worth it at this point.


TheOriginalVTRex t1_j2kz9bq wrote

We've finally lost enough snow that the deer have stopped emptying my bird feeder every night!


ragajoel t1_j2l4hgp wrote

It’s Vermont, isn’t it always warm enough for a hike? 😅


DinosaurDied t1_j2lahyv wrote

12 here in salt lake today, storm total is hoping for 75+ in the mountains.


I loved VT but I need consistent winter and the low elevation of the east cant be overcome. Trade off is air quality here sometimes but whatevs. Probably had 5 days in 3 years I couldnt run outside due to air.


RetiscentSun t1_j2mh3mk wrote

Muddy enough around here I wouldn’t try that myself.


[deleted] t1_j2murou wrote

I’m as blackpilled on climate change as anyone but this current shitshow has more to do with La Niña than anything IMO. Third one in a row. Look at the snow stake data the last time it was this persistent: 98-01. Also last year. Early winter is rotten as the jetstream dips and dumps out west. Then the trend flips, west enters a drought, and the Mansfield snow stake is deep AF come spring.

This warm spell is over mid-week and Wednesday is looking like freezing rain instead of more pissing hot rain. Monkey’s paw curls… be careful what you wish for. You’re gonna be sick of winter when a storm dumps 3 feet in March again. I guarantee it.

The intensity of these warm spells, and the increasing instability of the jetstream, is absolutely due to climate change, mind you. But what we’re experiencing right now is weather, not climate.


DinosaurDied t1_j2mz6qv wrote

Well farmers are taking about 80% of our water to farm in a desert and are incentivized to waste as much as possible. Pretty safe to say when push comes to shove, water rights will change and the salt lake will fill back up again.

Also its looking like climate change is making winter storms more extreme which makes the high desert a winner since our water is reliant on big winter dumps rather than year round consistency. A lot of unknowns, but I would rather still have a winter than be riding in the rain like ya'll right now.


Syncope7 t1_j2npz0f wrote

Be careful not to erode the trails.


[deleted] t1_j2q5yyf wrote

You clearly haven’t been there that long my dude. Water in the West is a racket. It’s organized crime. The oligarchs in charge of it all will drain that lake dry and run all the heathens out of SLC, and the Utards will cheer on their oppressors and die at 50 from the pollution to own the libs. These degenerates roll coal on purpose FFS.

The skiing is awesome there but it is truly a godforsaken place to live. They barely even let you drink beer there. They’re 10 years away from being Mormon Qatar.

Water rights are a legal fiction, but the people who benefit from it have all the power. Nobody cares if SLC has a bigger economy and more people, if it’s not stuffing the pockets of the people at the top. Just like no one in Qatar cares about all the slaves they killed to host that world cup. It made the criminal royal family a lot of money, and that’s all that matters. In a theocracy, heathen lives are valued about as much as cockroaches.