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burghschred t1_j2sir24 wrote

Reply to comment by Pongpianskul in My first baby moo by khegobier

What happens to the baby cows on a dairy farm?


Pongpianskul t1_j2szm1z wrote

Where I worked, the babies were taken from their mothers within hours of birth and put in little pens and fed milk out of big bottles. The females were raised to be dairy cows and the males were sold to farmers who raised them for meat. It was heartbreaking to hear the babies calling for their mothers in the barn and the mothers calling back. Sometimes the mothers would escape and go looking for their young we would have to round them up and get them back in the barn. Hard.


[deleted] t1_j2tg8ow wrote

Why bottle feed....oh right because we are stealing and drinking it's food. Dang. Yeah, that's tough and yet I still will keep drinking milk. Deep thoughts being had.


Pomelo-jello t1_j2tm07p wrote

Please keep this baby with its mom. It’s possible to do both - milk extra for humans and nurse the baby.


khegobier OP t1_j2tr4sn wrote

He will be staying with mom until weaned. It's actually pretty easy to "share" a mom with a calf after the first month or so, so there's no reason to take him off.


[deleted] t1_j2sljbz wrote

Depends on the animals sex and the infrastructure the farmer has at hand tbh. Usually female calves are indulged and male calves become veal, or they go on to become beef in adolescence.


burghschred t1_j2sosuz wrote

What does indulged mean in this context?


[deleted] t1_j2srxfu wrote

They feed them and raise them for the dairy operation.


[deleted] t1_j2soumy wrote

“Indulged”, “become veal”, and “become beef” are really wild euphemisms that obscure what actually happens on dairy & meat farms.


[deleted] t1_j2ss982 wrote

They’re not euphemisms, I just don’t need to be graphic for shock value like you fuckin PETA nutjobs.


burghschred t1_j2t9j5r wrote

I mean, to be honest your explanation did seem deliberately obfuscatory of the actual process. I guess it's so graphic and shocking that you feel inclined to use the word "indulged" to mean 'removed from mother immediately and then forcibly impregnated to continue the cycle of graphic and shocking practices'.

Can you accurately describe it in a way that's not graphic and shocking without leaving major steps out?


[deleted] t1_j2tazb5 wrote

If you want to do that then do that, but I’m not your puppet, you weirdo. I’ve made meals out of hundreds of animals, from shell to slaughter.


burghschred t1_j2tc1oe wrote




  1. A mild, indirect, or vague term for one that is considered harsh, blunt, or offensive.

  2. The use of such terms.

  3. In rhetoric, the use of a mild, delicate, or indirect word or expression in place of a plainer and more accurate one, which by reason of its meaning or its associations or suggestions might be offensive, unpleasant, or embarrassing.

Seems pretty damn accurate to me.


[deleted] t1_j2tmx1h wrote

You’re wasting your time. If you wanna write up factory farms, go for it. I’m not your bitch, random redditor. Aside from the fact they they asked What, not How. Fuck off with your merriam Webster bullshit.