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greenmtnfiddler t1_j2wtmw5 wrote

How many chickens do you have/want?

Chickens only need a weasel-proof structure at night, draftless and small enough that their bodyheat is shared while still being well ventilated. On a 4x8 base, that's about 8-9 chickens.

During the day, coyote/hawk-proof only needs a roof, frame and wire, the floor can be the ground.

If you're talking a full truck box, that's a LOT of chickens -- like, agricultural runoff issues/commercial permitting numbers -- and cleaning it's going to be a bitch.

By the time you find, move, clean, adapt, mount and level a shipping container, you can build one with scrap lumber.

Source: built one.


whys0brave t1_j2wx39p wrote

I got 6 last spring. 5 hens and a rooster now I'm a bit worried about over breeding with only 5 hens so I was planning on doubling up and also wanted to get a flock of ducks and have something large enough for them to share space with the ducks on the floor in a cozy spot and the chickens roosting on the other side


greenmtnfiddler t1_j2zffey wrote


Are you an experienced poultry-keeper? Is your home in a nice isolated rural area?

I don't want to harsh your bliss, but this sort of thing doesn't always work out as well as some of the YouTube channels would leave you to believe.

If you don't already hang out at r/backyardchickens, you might want to post a description about your current setup/future ideas and let some of the old hands kick it around a little.


iamkatedog t1_j2yr11m wrote

Ducks are extremely dirty and will make a chicken coop a mess. You should keep them separately.