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bakerton t1_j36jg62 wrote

I'm willing to pay more to have it taxed and those taxes benefit my community. I'm willing to pay more for a regulated consistent product. I'm willing to pay more so that I can be 100% sure none of my money is funding anything sketchy or outright morally reprehensible. I'm guessing most VT weed people are local growers and sellers but being 100% sure feels better to me.


Clever_Clever t1_j36wa4k wrote

> none of my money is funding anything sketchy or outright morally reprehensible.

I've got bad news about the legal cannabis market, friend.


[deleted] t1_j37nkhc wrote



Clever_Clever t1_j37sig6 wrote

Sure, I've bought seeds MANY times. I'm referring to the legal cannabis biz being full of fuckery so you can't be sure who or what your money is going to unless you personally know the people. Maybe you do <shrug>

Look up Glass House in Cali. Their CEO is an ex-Cop who used to put cannabis growers in cages. That's the type of dirty ass shit that goes on in the legal industry, unfortunately.


[deleted] t1_j37tksi wrote



Clever_Clever t1_j37zk9n wrote

Here ya go, brutha.

Kyle Kazan: former cop now CEO of a massive race to the bottom and drive small farmers out of business cannabis company.

I don't buy from stores or the black market, but it's still important to know that there's so much fucked up shit like this that happens on the legal side. So yeah, spend your dollars wisely if you can. Have a good one.


[deleted] t1_j38055g wrote



Clever_Clever t1_j38238m wrote

Jesus, calm down.

Corrupt testing:

Unsafe work environments:

That's just a quick search because you can't be assed to google for yourself.

I mean, is it actually some sort of shock to you that there's corruption and shady shit going on on the legal side? Lol.


[deleted] t1_j382p82 wrote



Clever_Clever t1_j3858rk wrote

I corroborated the one claim about a specific person which is what I thought you were asking about. 10 thousand apologies for the grand imposition on your precious time. And you know what? It pretty much doesn't get any worse than a former cop driving small farms out of business. Hand wave it away if you feel like it, but IMO that's about as fucked as it gets on the legal side. Let's call that the top of the pyramid and it should be an eye-opener. Ain't nobody got time to ask for a CEO's bio when they go into a store, so navigating which companies should and shouldn't be supported is a bit of a tricky situation.

I don't know anything about people that you mentioned. Hopefully, they're solid folks, but just because weed is legal now I don't go off the blanket assumption that all my dollars- should I choose to spend them- are going to good and moral people.


[deleted] t1_j385vm8 wrote



Clever_Clever t1_j386q6y wrote

Bro, smoke some nice homegrown or some shit. You sound both wound up and as sensitive as a porcelain doll. You need better weed, holy shit. The larfy and old dispersary OD isn't doing you any favors.

I made statements and corroborated my point. Now go do some reading, junior.
