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Cli33ord t1_j33r69h wrote

Is a brewery considered a food establishment if they don’t have a kitchen? Honest question. RockArt advertises on their website that dogs are allowed inside


PerennialPangolin t1_j33vkr5 wrote

I’m not sure! I would assume yes, because they are still serving a product for on-site consumption, but I’m not an expert.


Vermontess t1_j33vq60 wrote

All bars in vt legally have to sell food, even if it’s just bagged snacks


Cli33ord t1_j33wss0 wrote

The downstairs is the main floor where the brewery is. They don’t have a kitchen/serve food. Handing out a bowl of pretzels is vastly different than having a full kitchen/menu. So they would be doxing themselves and I think they are smarter than that. I know at JayPeak dogs are allowed upstairs in the bar area but obviously not allowed downstairs in the cafeteria area. So there has to be a workaround with the kitchen/food rule.
