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4ak96 t1_j6cxq8l wrote

Yes, because the government will tooooootally hold themselves accountable. šŸ™„

Are you 12?


EpictetussutetcipE t1_j6d8e7a wrote

They'd be very upset with your post if they could read, you know?


ArkeryStarkery t1_j6dg303 wrote

Lol all cops are criminals anyway, what does it matter?


Not_the_sharpest_1 t1_j6dbnaa wrote

I guess I need more context here - is this the latest ACAB "checkmate" fantasy, MAGA "checkmate" fantasy, or Sovereign Citizen "checkmate" fantasy?


1DollarOr1Million t1_j6didby wrote

I believe itā€™s in response to the newly proposed ā€œassault weapons banā€. Which, to be fair, even from an anti-2A perspective is very poorly written. That said Iā€™m pro 2A and fuck them hoes.


random_vermonter t1_j6dsjpn wrote

Uhh, ok? Do you think most Vermonters are clueless about this? We know.


Ej1992 t1_j6e2z38 wrote

Best plan is to use law enforcement as charcoals for the rich when they get eaten.


Ok-Address-1768 t1_j6ejzih wrote

Thatā€™s wrong and not how the law is applied. They have sovereign immunity stupid.

Thereā€™s never been a criminal action for something like this you absolute idiot.