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happyonthehill802 t1_j3cb8gl wrote

Carpenter, plumber, electrician, find job in the trades and you'll probably do okay


TillPsychological351 t1_j3cfrrb wrote

Huge need for all of these in the Northeast Kingdom.


happyonthehill802 t1_j3cgidi wrote

No doubt, im swinging a hammer for more money than i could make as an auto tech, which is what i went to school for and have the most experience in.


whaletacochamp t1_j3dhwvt wrote

After you learn the skills necessary which takes years. But, you do get paid to learn. Just not big bucks.


happyonthehill802 t1_j3dk34e wrote

I mean thats kind of how life works right? Either you aquire skills through experience, schooling, or both. The trades seems to pay better than most industries, even for inexperienced workers. We had unskilled labor handing us tools all summer for 20/hr...compared the most other unskilled labor in my area at 15-18.


ikilledmystepdad OP t1_j3cgmw0 wrote

You know of any good unions in the state?


happyonthehill802 t1_j3cj8pq wrote

Edit: guess we do have unions. i subcontract. Investment in tools was minimal since i had most of them from building my first two houses.

If i were to do it again id go pull wire for an electrician and work on getting certified. Easy clean work, lowest investment as far as tooling goes.