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airhogg t1_j3ix69k wrote

As of October 22, you needed a boarding pass, based on a previous reddit thread.


Loudergood t1_j3jdh7d wrote

I heard the new security check setup changed that?


Corey307 t1_j3jw5y6 wrote

Nope, problem is there is only one hallway that can connect the north and south terminal and that hallway includes the old observation tower. Rerouting the hallway would require a new hallway going through what is currently a closed restaurant space turned into storage, a break room and some offices. It would be a poor use of space and a waste of money. BTV is a bizarre hodgepodge of additions and none of them make a lot of sense, for example a passenger walking down the hallway toward the north terminal has to pass through an unmarked doorway and immediately go left through another unmarked doorway to enter the north concourse by gate 8. there are plans to modernize the airport and hopefully the modernization project will remove some of the jank.


airhogg t1_j3jlxgm wrote

Maybe so. I've never been up there, so I'm not really familiar with where the observation deck is.

This article does mention them tearing down the upstairs security checkpoint and renovating that area.

I couldn't find anything more recent


Corey307 t1_j3jvqf1 wrote

The old observation tower is only accessible after security, that hallway is the only way to route passengers to the north terminal. If you’re familiar with the layout of the building there would be no simple nor inexpensive fix.