Submitted by roborob11 t3_1072uic in vermont

Hi, I considering moving to Vermont and am wondering about what I need to do to find a place. Currently I live in the south in a town called Bennington but really want to live in Vermont. I drive an old corvette and have three dogs, Rottweiler/pit bull mix and work from home for a land development company. My dogs are great! They spend all their time practically outside. Sometimes they bark and once my (a-hole) neighbor complained. I tried to tell him that it’s really hard for me to spend anytime with them because of my job keeping me away. But anyway, I’m wondering if you can give me advice about where I should look for a house. I like the night life and restaurants, especially Mexican/Asian fusion. I’d like some land and isolation. Will I need snow tires or will chains be enough? There’s so much to think about my head is spinning. I heard that Vermont will give me money to move there and stay home. Wow, liberals! Oh, and I’m allergic to maple syrup, is it true that you guys put it on everything? Thanks



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MeanFluffyBunny t1_j3k7lug wrote

Be sure to let your dogs free range around the area.


roborob11 OP t1_j3k7sqj wrote

I have knitted sweaters for them because they’re very short hair dogs!


Twombls t1_j3k6ctz wrote

Vett with drag slicks is the optimal winter car.

Make sure to buy up abot 2000 acres of forest land. Clear cut it and build 2 million dollar mansions on 7 acre lots. Vermonters will love that


Hillman314 t1_j3m5x02 wrote

Chains on your corvette will be enough. After you put them on your corvette you will definitely say: “This is more than enough!” In rural areas, your loose dogs will be taken care of by the neighbors so well it will be like they’re not even there anymore. Good luck in your search for that isolated acreage next to the night life and Mexican/Asian fusion restraints! That should narrow your search area down quit a bit.


roborob11 OP t1_j3m70wg wrote

Such good neighbors I’m looking forward to!


ceiffhikare t1_j3khet8 wrote

These parodies are worse than the real things.


quinnbeast t1_j3k8g22 wrote

You can live in my quinoa commune until you get your Birkenstocks on, literally and figuratively.


VegetableBeneficial t1_j3nfuhn wrote

ok i did the normal groan i do every time i read one of these "moving to vermont" titles but this was good


Necessary-Bee-8691 t1_j3m5273 wrote

Ludlow, Killington or Stowe... visit during the winter, demand that you and your party of eight get seated right away at a breakfast restaurant, and demand fake maple syrup for your pancakes because you hate the real stuff. Then don't leave a tip, our folks get paid so well, and they just love people like you!


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j3lonii wrote

I have a habit of honking my horn if people don’t notice the light turned green, but hey, I’m just letting them know.


InVermontForNow t1_j3oq0fb wrote

Bennington has a Taco Bell/KFC that shares the same building. I think that's Mexican/Southern? Almost Mexican/Asian fusion?


roborob11 OP t1_j3ot5p6 wrote

Yeah, but I want to live in Vermont.


InVermontForNow t1_j3oth17 wrote

It might not be meant to be, however. Maybe over in New York? It seems like a better match.


secretmadscientist t1_j3l9n3x wrote

Might I suggest the Woodstock area? Low traffic town, no leash laws for dogs, so much money to stay home. Stowe is very similar. Recommend heavy chains for the car, really only need them on the rear wheels.


[deleted] t1_j3lumlf wrote



MarkVII88 t1_j3lxjh7 wrote

Muslin the fabric? What could they have against fabric in Roxbury?


[deleted] t1_j3m9fg9 wrote



MarkVII88 t1_j3m9v89 wrote

Yeah, I know. I saw this post earlier. But you said "Muslin" in your comment, and I was fucking around and poking fun at your type-o.


[deleted] t1_j3mboth wrote



MarkVII88 t1_j3md1tz wrote

You'd think racist assholes would at least know how to correctly spell the name of the group they intend to discriminate against. Or maybe they just don't like Muslin fabric AND they're dumbasses who can't spell.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j3loqg4 wrote

You forgot “I Promise to buy a leash at some point but there will be some other priorities.”


roborob11 OP t1_j3lqeup wrote

My dogs are free range.


Hillman314 t1_j3m64qs wrote

Are they good spellers? Sometimes dogs misread “free range” and “firing range” and end up in the wrong one.


whys0brave t1_j3mvt1p wrote

There is NO good Mexican food. And IMO not many good food options in general anywhere for prepared food. Especially not anywhere with land and isolation. Great farms offer the freshest food to make meals at home though. Also you need money. Money is what you need to find a place to live because the markets are rough wether renting or buying.