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thatswhatipayyoufor t1_j3whhgb wrote

Don't be nice, be predictable!


naidim t1_j3wmis9 wrote

This can't be stated enough. Drive predictably so everyone else can respond predictably. If you have the right of way, TAKE IT.


thatswhatipayyoufor t1_j3wmr94 wrote

My favorite is people stopping on main roads to let traffic in, especially when there was no initial stop in traffic flow


yoodle34 t1_j3wu887 wrote

This drives me crazy every time it happens


smellyshellybelly t1_j40ukzb wrote

"There's nothing behind you! I would have already gone if you hadn't stopped!" I stare until they take their right of way, zooming off in misplaced anger.


hoooch t1_j3wy27g wrote

Stated differently, don’t be a nicehole!


aren3141 t1_j3xb595 wrote

Being predictable is nice, the nicest thing you can do in the road


RandolphCarter15 t1_j3z06ai wrote

YES. That drives me crazy around here. Like people suddenly stopping to let me pull onto the road but I have to gun it to avoid other oncoming cars. Just follow the right of way!


noparticularpoint t1_j3ywg30 wrote

Being predictable IS being nice. It lets everything flow smoothly, everyone gets where they're going quicker, and that's nice.


Revolutionary_Ant784 t1_j3zp4w8 wrote

Thank you. Someone in oncoming traffic stopped in their lane in a 40mph zone to let someone turn left into their driveway. Like wtf you’re asking to get rear ended.


huskers2468 t1_j3xjlf1 wrote

I don't think I'll ever get used to someone stopping on the far lane to let me take a left out of a store. Not a light or a stop sign, in the middle of the road.

They always smile and wave, so I do the same. I just don't want to see that nice person get rear-ended.


meowbird t1_j3yupqd wrote

I sometimes refuse to go, because, well, they are creating a traffic hazard, and should start to learn that not everyone appreciates that.


eddiesmom t1_j42ilmb wrote

Same here, especially when I'm on my motorcycle; I will turn my head side to side very deliberately "No" while keeping my eyeballs peeled for the vehicle behind them who decided to pass "the idiot" in front of them.