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wholeWheatButterfly t1_j40yd3h wrote

I almost got in an accident this fall because someone stopped to let someone pull into the road from a store, and there were two lanes, so the person pulling in decides to go into the second lane, where of course they couldn't see oncoming traffic (me). And then I witnessed the same thing happen a month later.

To be fair, the person pulling in is being a lot dumber than the person letting them pull in but it frustrates me.

And this other time I was pulling out of my driveway, and sometimes I have to wait for a few cars to go by.. this person stops to let me come out, but there were like 4 cars behind them! Like, I can wait 15 seconds lol I don't need to hold up a bunch of people.

Anyway, rant over. Back to loving our great state 😅


sugarplummed t1_j431xn2 wrote

Wow, all these posts about this. Had no idea, hate it when ppl do that.

Things are getting worse and worse in the Seattle- Eastside area. Running red lights is getting so bad here. Not just one person, but I've watched 5 cars go through the red light after the other direction turns green. Ppl just driving straight through 4 wait stops. And then you get that rando who stops in the roundabout cause they don't understand how roundabouts work. Lots of speeding and aggressive driving. Are they really late for work or are they just angry? How can that many ppl always be late for work? I don't get that anyway, just leave early man, how hard can it be? I work in the medical field, we can't be late for work!