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Mofo-Pro t1_j3zva0t wrote

Because Bob White was the name of a long time coach/AD there. They renamed their boys teams in honor of him.


videological t1_j416tzb wrote


"In 1945, the reigns of the program were handed over to, the soon to become legendary, Dario "Doc" Comi who coached the girls until 1973. Due to his successful record and the exciting style of play that teams exhibited under his direction, the girls' basketball teams soon became known as "Comi's Comets" and later, all the girls' teams at Bellows Free Academy, honored Comi by being dubbed Comets. During Comi's tenure as head coach, the BFA Comets won 14 state championships and amazingly, won 84 straight games from 1950 to 1955. The Comets had become recognized as one of the premier girls' basketball teams in the state of Vermont."


Mofo-Pro t1_j41l8vc wrote

Fascinating. I always knew the story of Bob White, but had never heard this one.


tailofthedragon t1_j43zzub wrote

I owned Doc Comi’s house for a short time. The neighbors told me that he had vegetable gardens that were legendary!


[deleted] t1_j40ubz7 wrote



Unique-Public-8594 t1_j40vrzh wrote

I think of “woke” as inclusivity. It’s good to be inclusive.


Dadfart802 t1_j41xefe wrote

I think of woke as a form of liberal white knighting. Good people don’t need to be told to be inclusive or want a cookie for it either.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j41yqs7 wrote

Good people who are inclusive are woke though, in the best way.


Dadfart802 t1_j4231e5 wrote

Agreed but they wouldn’t call it woke though, just being a decent human


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j42fheu wrote

Why do we need to find a way to turn inclusivity into something to be ridiculed though?


Dadfart802 t1_j42li8b wrote

I’m ridiculing those that prize wokeness at the expense of common sense and those that look to be offended (like half of r/vermont)Wokeness as an industry should be ridiculed, inclusivity should not.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j431op0 wrote

More often the fun of ridicule and “common sense” excuse are used to prevent change that is more kind to the marginalized.

How about focusing on normalizing inclusivity.


MarkVII88 t1_j41a447 wrote

If the boys teams at BFS St. Albans are the Bobwhites...shouldn't the girls teams be the Bettywhites? That's a team mascot I sure could support.

R.I.P. Betty White (1922-2021).


DamonKatze t1_j42fpeb wrote

This is the best suggestion I've seen here in a long time!


bingozingo1 t1_j3zwu6b wrote

Inclusive to what exactly?


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_j40c1ex wrote

I wouldn’t read too much into this - looks like from posting history that OP is trolly/COVID Crazy


HardTacoKit t1_j41t9f6 wrote

How is it NOT all inclusive? What a weird question to ask.


riggie33 t1_j4278k3 wrote

get out of here with your sjw bs