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EpictetussutetcipE t1_j42300h wrote

Recent court cases have held companies responsible for not adhering to baseline information security protection requirements. It's caused a ridiculous boom in the industry.

I feel bad for these smaller towns with limited budgets. I would suspect many of them are aged and don't understand the nuances and risks related to information systems, and now are bearing the brunt of that ignorance. I work in the field and can barely keep up, so I empathize with their plight.

Vermont as a state should've mandated requirements from these towns to adhere to certain control frameworks and provided them with expert services/financial support to that end. This is a failure at the state level, and as a country we should've been getting the federal infosec guidelines for smaller towns with limited budgets who could apply for grants to better prepare and protect themselves.

Overall, this just makes me sad.


EvilSubnetMask t1_j42jsss wrote

Sadly I've had the following conversation with a customer:

"I can't retrieve your data because it appears one of the tapes is too worn out to be read by the drive."

"What do you mean?! Our DLT-8000 tape backups are the best option, our previous IT vendor told us it's the best system in the business! It cost like $15,000 to put in place!"

" you have any more backup tape sets I can try?"

"They're in the other room across the building."

*We proceed to walk by an area with one of the largest magnets I've ever seen in person.

"Do you put all your backups in this room?"

"Of course, it is secured..."

Long story short, I was unable to restore any of their data from those tapes even verifying with a brand new DLT drive.