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MarkVII88 t1_j468snk wrote

I firmly believe that the majority of the people on the road (60-65%) are simply, and completely oblivious to their surroundings. Just not paying any attention. This applies to old people, young people, tourists from out of state, and long-time residents. They often drive in an unpredictable manner, inconsistent with the weather and road conditions, and don't even realize they are creating a hazard or an inconvenience to others. Things of that nature include, but are not limited to:

  • Not stopping for STOP signs
  • Not using turn signals
  • Clearly texting or otherwise tapping on their phone
  • Pulling all the way to the right side of a lane, when turning left
  • Driving below the speed limit when the road is clear and dry
  • Oscillating speed up and down by at least 5 MPH
  • Randomly pulling out in front of traffic, or merging onto a highway, then lazily accelerating as if without a care in the world

It sure can be dangerous and infuriating, not just for people who prefer to be driving 10 MPH or more above the speed limit, but for "reasonable" drivers too. I define a "reasonable" driver to be someone who drives decisively and predictably, who attempts to anticipate where they need to position their car to perform turns and other maneuvers, who will slow down if road/weather conditions warrant it, and considers 5-6 MPH over the speed limit to be appropriate when the road is clear and dry (30 in a 25 zone, 40 in a 35 zone, 55 in a 50 zone).


aren3141 t1_j46lfas wrote

- When turning left at a light, they sit at the green light until they can go rather than pulling up slightly to the let the car behind them go straight
- When turning left and looking at a line of cars coming from the other direction turning left, they let the entire line turn left before they themselves turn left.


JaimeGordonLannister t1_j4c20j1 wrote

Most people suck at driving, unfortunately. That's (one reason of many) why building an entire country on the assumption that everyone drives is a shitty idea.