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somedudevt t1_j46sahl wrote

I mean maybe. Time is finite for us humans. I prefer to not spend extra time in my vehicle. It doesn’t seem unreasonable to expect drivers to go the speed of prevailing traffic and to get out of the way if they can’t.


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_j46v2en wrote

Really deep man.


somedudevt t1_j46w4qr wrote

It’s not deep, it’s factual and a logic based reason why I don’t drive 10mph under the speed limit. It just give me more time doing what I enjoy. I’d rather not waste an extra 1% of my life in a car. as it is with my current average miles a day, I will spend 3 years of my life in a car just getting to the place I’m going. That’s 4% of all the time I’m on this earth based on average male life expectancy. I’d rather it not be 5%. I don’t know what I will accomplish in that 1% of my life, but I know it will be more enjoyable than sitting in the car.


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_j46wv2j wrote

Except for the fact that you share the planet with other people. People like you ride my ass every single day on my way home while I'm doing 5 over. Your lights blind me, and you put everyone at risk, and then you act like I'm the problem? Glad your time is more valuable than everyone else's but five extra minutes isn't going to affect your night in the slightest. I know you got that Gilmore Girls episode on DVR, it can wait.


somedudevt t1_j4menu0 wrote

I don’t tailgate. I know my passing places well, and use them effectively. If your going UNDER the speed limit, I may ride your ass to get the point across, but otherwise I keep a minimum 4 seconds of following space, which is the rule I was taught in drivers Ed as a kid. If people are tailgating you every day I have a hard time believing you are going 5 over, but if you are, just pull over and let them go by, or speed up. I get out of the way of people who want to go faster than me. I blinker and pull onto the shoulder. Let them go by. No need for me to hold someone up, and pulling over into the shoulder to make it safe for them to pass doesn’t take me any time, effort, or cause me a safety concern (unless it’s a snowstorm)


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_j4mg7f9 wrote

I don't know which is worse, the fact that you thought about this three days later, or the fact that you think this bullshit helped your cause.


sound_of_apocalypto t1_j489hej wrote

Maybe you shouldn’t think so much. :)

Maybe on their deathbed people who drove too fast will realize they didn’t gain much and will instead wish they’d slowed down and enjoyed the journey.