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JodaUSA t1_j6n4rvk wrote

My only concerned in sharing stories like this is that it really feeds into the Police’s propaganda that they are the “Thin Blue Line” and all the shit.

So just so someone is saying it, the increase in violent crime is 100% about growing economic hardships. That’s the reason this is happening. When people are desperate they are obviously going to turn to crime.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6nvpca wrote

The increase in violent crime is primarily due to the sale and use of illegal drugs.
Some illegal drug use can be attributed to economic issues, but most illegal drug users just like being high, often to overcome a difficulty in life, get addicted and will do whatever is required to get high.


ArkeryStarkery t1_j6o52bp wrote

What do you think "a difficulty in life" means if not "economic hardships"?


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6omwj7 wrote

I was thinking physical or mental abuse or neglect. Neither are necessarily economic.
