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1DollarOr1Million t1_j6nsab0 wrote

Bruh what about what I said made you think I was “triggered”. I genuinely think that the laws in NY and CA suck. I am very pro-2A, although don’t let that make you think I’m a right-winger. And those 2 states are very bad as regards violation people’s personal rights and liberties. Also the taxes, the housing crisis and homelessness issues in both locations, etc. It’s two fucked up places that we should not want to emulate in any way.


TheTowerBard t1_j6oi1md wrote

You clearly didn’t look at the laws that I linked you to though. California knife laws are not an issue for anyone. They are very reasonable.

Also, since you brought up the issue with homelessness, the crisis in California is a national issue, not a local California issue. Homeless folks from all over the country flock to California and to Florida and to other southern states. Homeless issues in those places are very much a national issue. I guarantee you there are former Vermonters in those places that are living there homeless. Actually, I know for a fact there are because I have done homeless outreach in these places.

The reason I’m assuming you’re a right-winger, is because you’re using all of their fear mongering talking points when you’re discussing these other places. It’s actually slightly embarrassing if you aren’t a right winger my dude. Please get out and visit some of these places. They aren’t nearly as bad as the angry man on TV makes them out to be.