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KITTYONFYRE t1_j6p3p2g wrote

> based on their skin color

people in the 1790s also said "its the experiences I've had with these people that drive my hate for them, it's not their skin color!!!"

that's what modern day racists say too...

it's a terrible analogy, to be honest. it's not really analogous at all, except for the fact that one person's lived experiences are a terrible way to give basis to an entire town (ie, "I got robbed in Brandon! Brandon sucks and is high crime!" well no, you just had one bad experience there...).

your "experiences" were already colored by hate for the town from the beginning.

people hate rutland for the same reason people hate nickelback. it's the thing to do.


happyonthehill802 t1_j6p97wv wrote

I mean i dont even hate rutland. I just recognize what it is, based on my experiences there. Your analogy is a stretch.