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sorrycharlie88 t1_j6mpg41 wrote

They got them toothed edges that are designed to cut as many layers of skin as possible in a short amount of time, a sharp tip to ensure maximum penetration, and an ergonomic grip to enhance functionality.


JodaUSA t1_j6n4rvk wrote

My only concerned in sharing stories like this is that it really feeds into the Police’s propaganda that they are the “Thin Blue Line” and all the shit.

So just so someone is saying it, the increase in violent crime is 100% about growing economic hardships. That’s the reason this is happening. When people are desperate they are obviously going to turn to crime.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j6nkekd wrote

yeah, so am I. my point was that Rutland has the exact same issues as every other small town in the state and the country. it's not some extra special shithole.

perhaps you need to get out more if you believe that to be the case !


Vaderiv t1_j6np7dz wrote

That’s why I have a concealed carry license.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j6npbzb wrote

its not even any more shithole than any other town in the area. it is completely average, not "LOL RUTLAND SHITHOLE XDDD". it's a generic small town with generic small town problems. it's gotten leaps and bounds better in the last decade, and it's on track to get leaps and bounds better again in the next.


raz0rsnak3 t1_j6nqlbt wrote

At least street justice is working. Until the state starts actually punishing criminals, this will continue to happen.

But hey, one scumbag dead and one in jail on murder isn't a bad deal!


happyonthehill802 t1_j6ns8t1 wrote

All im saying is ive never had the inspection sticker stolen off my car in my home town, 25 miles away.

You seem very defensive of not attacking you personally, i have friends in rutland snd hang out there sometimes. But it is objectively shittier than the surrounding towns.


1DollarOr1Million t1_j6nsab0 wrote

Bruh what about what I said made you think I was “triggered”. I genuinely think that the laws in NY and CA suck. I am very pro-2A, although don’t let that make you think I’m a right-winger. And those 2 states are very bad as regards violation people’s personal rights and liberties. Also the taxes, the housing crisis and homelessness issues in both locations, etc. It’s two fucked up places that we should not want to emulate in any way.


Disastrous-Baker-914 t1_j6ntrau wrote

There's no cops in rutland because of all the police backlash all the good ones have retired. I personally know more then a hand full of greate officers that work in multiple southern vermont towns amd they volunteer for the football and wrestling team at my son's school. They are the thin blue line and we need more of them


KITTYONFYRE t1_j6nutio wrote

> All im saying is ive never had the inspection sticker stolen off my car in my home town, 25 miles away.

golly I sure love anecdotal, tiny sample size remarks used to judge 16,000 people off of 1 person's actions. very defensible argument you have there!

> But it is objectively shittier than the surrounding towns.

it's on par with most. worse than some. better than others. its fine. its average. it's not some particular den of scum and villainy.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6nvpca wrote

The increase in violent crime is primarily due to the sale and use of illegal drugs.
Some illegal drug use can be attributed to economic issues, but most illegal drug users just like being high, often to overcome a difficulty in life, get addicted and will do whatever is required to get high.


VTPeWPeW247 t1_j6nye3z wrote

People killing people over drugs…weird.


bobsizzle t1_j6o3d19 wrote

It also has More people. So more places for shitty people. Compared to its surrounding towns. Other towns are smaller or have wealthier people or are college towns or resort towns. Rutland also has a train station used by drug dealers who set up shop locally.

Sounds like Rutland needs another type of train station....


TheTowerBard t1_j6oi1md wrote

You clearly didn’t look at the laws that I linked you to though. California knife laws are not an issue for anyone. They are very reasonable.

Also, since you brought up the issue with homelessness, the crisis in California is a national issue, not a local California issue. Homeless folks from all over the country flock to California and to Florida and to other southern states. Homeless issues in those places are very much a national issue. I guarantee you there are former Vermonters in those places that are living there homeless. Actually, I know for a fact there are because I have done homeless outreach in these places.

The reason I’m assuming you’re a right-winger, is because you’re using all of their fear mongering talking points when you’re discussing these other places. It’s actually slightly embarrassing if you aren’t a right winger my dude. Please get out and visit some of these places. They aren’t nearly as bad as the angry man on TV makes them out to be.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j6orqn2 wrote

> He seems very upset with the perception people has of it

it's pretty annoying coming online and seeing your nice little town get dumpstered on for exactly the same problems that any small town in rural america has, yet gets singled out as "oh no, not rut vegas!!!!!!!".

there are plenty of legitimate reasons to question Rutland, but people choose low-hanging fruit that applies to every single town in rural America instead of actually putting thought behind their words.


happyonthehill802 t1_j6p0ibs wrote

I meam, generalizing an entire population of people, based on their skin color, is extremely different than forming an opinion on a town based on experiences, and friends experiences there...but sure, go against the status quo buddy, love rutland, someones gotta.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j6p3p2g wrote

> based on their skin color

people in the 1790s also said "its the experiences I've had with these people that drive my hate for them, it's not their skin color!!!"

that's what modern day racists say too...

it's a terrible analogy, to be honest. it's not really analogous at all, except for the fact that one person's lived experiences are a terrible way to give basis to an entire town (ie, "I got robbed in Brandon! Brandon sucks and is high crime!" well no, you just had one bad experience there...).

your "experiences" were already colored by hate for the town from the beginning.

people hate rutland for the same reason people hate nickelback. it's the thing to do.


jcwhorewrath t1_j6pf6mi wrote

>You can't out murder me son. Don't even try.

-Manchester New Hampshire


1DollarOr1Million t1_j6pgrhx wrote

Honestly I hate the two party system and I hate the left and right. I believe that there are a lot of reasonable people in this country that can take a reasonable stance on multiple topics, but the two party system is meant to divide us. Like, I want my gay friends to get married, smoke some pot, and then protect their home with AR15’s. And I want everyone to be able to live whatever life they want as long as they aren’t assholes to others and are considerate of others desire to do the same. Freedom and liberty as long as it doesn’t encroach on others freedom and liberty. Is that too much to ask? Call it whatever political party or stance you want, but that’s me in a nutshell. Fuck Trump, fuck Biden, oh and fuck Bernie too.
