Submitted by Detritus_AMCW t3_10di83m in vermont

I am finally in a position to return to my home state of VT (yes, I know about r/newtovermont but not exactly new). I have been away for a number of years due to military service, then college and work, but I now have a remote job, and my wife is a RN, and we'll there is nowhere else I want to be and to raise my family.

We are looking at Rutland/ Addison counties at the moment (though not dead set on it, I have family in Rutland County but also in the NEK and frankly anywhere in the state is an option) and was wondering if folks have experience working for either hospital system and their general impressions.

Thank you in advance.



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nogzila t1_j4m9b9a wrote

I am from the south and my wife is a nurse . We moved to Vermont in 2020 then moved away in 2021 due to housing and extended family issues . We are now going back because my wife misses working at Dartmouth so much . Dartmouth pays very well for permanent nurses and is offering some great bonuses right now.

She has worked at 7 different hospitals and she said for sure Dartmouth treated her the best and paid her the best minus travel contracts . But they are almost matching pay of some travel contracts .


Food_Library333 t1_j4lw0cu wrote

Not personal experience but my sister is an RN at Rutland Regional and she likes it there a lot. She's been there quite some time now. 10 years maybe?


Dapper-Ad-7543 t1_j4pudkf wrote

I don’t work at Porter but live in Addison County and use that hospital. Everyone there is so nice and helpful. Super small, I think 35 beds, so take that into consideration! Of course, like everywhere else, we love nurses!


Dadfart802 t1_j4lzg7a wrote

Run from RRMC. They have a culture problem, put sociopaths in charge. Ask around and ask about what happened to the CEO.


N-Memphis-ExPat t1_j4mnhel wrote

I can assure you what you think you know about this is not true. They have an excellent culture


durpdurpturd t1_j4n9p7o wrote

Trying to see where this differs from other hospitals in the state…


Dadfart802 t1_j4nc06l wrote

It doesn’t so the answer is where do you want to live? Rutland’s cool but also kinda gross, but lots of awesome people but also some shitty ones. It’s what you make of it. I like it all my stuff is here and we have great water