Submitted by Nice_Opportunity_405 t3_10gxsx9 in vermont

Around midnight, in Proctor, (Little Sweden, IYKYK) sounds like a demon is assaulting a goose. For a looooooooong time.

Foxes? Coyotes? This is night two. Not afraid, just curious. And I sure hope my neighbors’ geese are okay!



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Optimized_Orangutan t1_j557mhg wrote

Fischer cats can make some demon goose noises when they get together.


Nice_Opportunity_405 OP t1_j558u58 wrote

Don’t think it’s a fisher cat—sounds more high pitched and screechy. But thanks because now I know what a fisher cat sounds like! Cool!


Optimized_Orangutan t1_j558zmr wrote

Fox would be my next bet then. They have a range of vocalizations.


Nice_Opportunity_405 OP t1_j5599t4 wrote

Could be! But there seem to be a number of them. Do foxes move in packs?


Optimized_Orangutan t1_j559npa wrote

Foxes mature quickly, but will stay with their mom and hunt as a team for 5-6 months after reaching maturity. It's how they learn to hunt and survive outside the den. Communication with other foxes is their primary reason for vocalizing.


MizLucinda t1_j55lel3 wrote

Foxes, maybe? They make a scream-bark noise sometimes and it’s really unsettling.


JessandGun t1_j55tzfg wrote

Never knew these guys were a thing until growing up my dad came inside after walking out in the woods. He said all of a sudden he started hearing these growls and hissing and looked up and there were three of them in some trees ahead of him just watching him. He said he turned around and headed right back home after deciding he wasn’t fucking with them.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_j565kx6 wrote

The first one I saw up close was caught in a have a heart trap while we were trying to relocate some skunks... moving the cage with a very upset Fischer was about 1000 times more frightening than the stink bomb alternative we were aiming for.


ReasonableLiving5958 t1_j55pc5o wrote

Rumors have it that late at night, when the moon is full, if you listen carefully you can hear the blood screams of Howard Dean.


Nice_Opportunity_405 OP t1_j55qvcm wrote

Lol! That’s exactly what it sounds like!


texmarie t1_j580dse wrote

Last night was the 19th anniversary of the Dean Scream so could be echos through time


Planague t1_j58jdte wrote

You Win the Internet: Vermont Edition^TM


Vtfla t1_j55n82y wrote

We watch the red foxes walk through our yard most every day right above your house. Here’s a YouTube video of their calls, sounds just like you describe.


Nice_Opportunity_405 OP t1_j55njg2 wrote

THAT’S IT!!! Oh man, those are some serious noises. Thanks for this!


Vtfla t1_j55v4vn wrote

She was out there this morning about 7:30 crossing Florence rd. heading your way. I think they den up in the marble slag pile off of North st. That’s where we hear the noise coming from in the summer. We don’t spend much time outside in the winter to hear them.


Nice_Opportunity_405 OP t1_j55wtdu wrote

Near as I could tell, they were down at the end of Eden in the cul de sac, close to the tracks. They’re such beautiful animals!


gcubed680 t1_j55bd39 wrote

Wrong tone of year but first spring i was around for fox mating had the windows open and sounded like someone was killing a child outside. Freaked me out until i learned what it was the next day.


Nice_Opportunity_405 OP t1_j57bdg8 wrote

It’s definitely foxes. But if I hear a fisher cat I’ll come right back here and let you know!


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j57dy9z wrote

The folks in the Massachusetts sub scolded me for using the phrase “fisher cat”. They claim there is no such thing and it’s actually a “fisher.” ? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Stockmom42 t1_j55kbls wrote

Raccoons make horrible sounds if they are fighting.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j55czy0 wrote

Check out the sounds fischer cats and foxes make at night. Here in Hartford, we get them all the time. Definitely gets your attention the first time you hear it.


Planague t1_j58jmz3 wrote

Having been to Proctor, if it were summer I would say it's the screams of people being eaten alive by mosquitoes. But it's January so I got nothin'...


Nice_Opportunity_405 OP t1_j58ncso wrote

Oh yeah! If it was summer, the screams would have been accompanied by people running down the street bleeding to death from 335,470 tiny wounds. Happens every year July-September.


Planague t1_j58oszl wrote

Yeah, especially around that pond there, I forgot the name of it...


Nice_Opportunity_405 OP t1_j5cki5b wrote

Beaver Pond. Where the mosquitoes are the size of beavers.


Planague t1_j5dg91q wrote

It wasn't so much the size as the sheer numbers. I remember riding my bike in that area on a summer day and becoming aware that my head was embedded in a cloud of the things...