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Shojomango t1_j5aruy3 wrote

“Everyone is great with inclusion”

What a joke. A trans woman was murdered mere months ago. Milton residents staged a blackface parade last year(edit—looking for sources—may have the town or details wrong). Adult attendees of a South Burlington High School sporting event yelled racial slurs at the kids. If these people love a state, it’s the state of denial.


5teerPike t1_j5ax5re wrote

The cops in Chester cost the town 50k for racial profiling. Then there's the cops in Bennington who failed to properly investigate hate crimes.

Vermont is one of the whitest states in the nation, and it shows.


Amyarchy t1_j5bw5yv wrote

I live in Milton and I hadn't heard about the blackface parade - can you point me in the right direction for info? I'm googling but not finding anything. (I'm not saying - at all - that it didn't happen, I just want to know what's up!)


Shojomango t1_j5c5trt wrote

You’re right, I’m not finding it on Google either, which is weird. Maybe I had the town wrong? I definitely remember reading articles about a VT town where high school students were doing a parade or group demonstration of sorts in blackface, with parents supporting them. I could’ve sworn it was Milton cause I’ve avoided it since. I’ll edit the original comment for now in case it’s not accurate and do some more searching


Amyarchy t1_j5cvcr5 wrote

I moved here two years ago and just about everyone I've talked to has been lovely. There's a few of those MAGA flag trucks that drive around a lot but I just chuckle and go about my business. The dog park is awesome. This town definitely doesn't fit its old stereotype!


JodaUSA t1_j5bz2tl wrote

Vermont has a lot of good people but sadly our bad people are barely human…