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Amyarchy t1_j5bw5yv wrote

I live in Milton and I hadn't heard about the blackface parade - can you point me in the right direction for info? I'm googling but not finding anything. (I'm not saying - at all - that it didn't happen, I just want to know what's up!)


Shojomango t1_j5c5trt wrote

You’re right, I’m not finding it on Google either, which is weird. Maybe I had the town wrong? I definitely remember reading articles about a VT town where high school students were doing a parade or group demonstration of sorts in blackface, with parents supporting them. I could’ve sworn it was Milton cause I’ve avoided it since. I’ll edit the original comment for now in case it’s not accurate and do some more searching


Amyarchy t1_j5cvcr5 wrote

I moved here two years ago and just about everyone I've talked to has been lovely. There's a few of those MAGA flag trucks that drive around a lot but I just chuckle and go about my business. The dog park is awesome. This town definitely doesn't fit its old stereotype!