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timberwolf0122 t1_j5ew1l2 wrote

Being woke isn’t about beating people with the actions of there ancestors, it’s about make people aware of what happened, what continues to happen and that correcting a this together will take non passive actions.

Even today many BIPOC individuals suffer because of the loss of multigenerational enforced poverty


ceiffhikare t1_j5exy62 wrote

If we were being honest about its history then we would be calling out Christianity and Islam, not the demographic at the end of the slave trade. Probably Capitalism too as we still have quasi legal slavery in the form of prison labor. Hell the bottom earners of all colors are in a form of economic slavery as we have the choice to work or die since you cant even live off the land anymore.

Raising Everyone out of poverty, not just BIPOC is the right answer.


timberwolf0122 t1_j5f2y6u wrote

I agree with what you say, however the goal is to raise everyone out of poverty.. it’s just BIPOC folk have a substantially further to be pulled