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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j5ezg55 wrote

I want to believe you and give Highgate/Wakefield the benefit of the doubt that their objection to the Inclusion Declaration was that the statement doesn’t go far enough but there’s this part to the article, which shows Highgate select board in a bad light:

According to Vice Chair Vern Brosky: “I invite all of you to go on their website and research for yourself. And don't just go on the front page, go through the whole website. It's eye-opening. They say don't judge a book by its cover — in this case, you definitely don't want to do that. Read the whole thing.” And, Bousquet declined to say what specific issues board members had with the website.

Has anyone found anything alarming on that website?

Now that they are seen as making racist decisions on behalf of the town, my hunch is a few more people will be making adjustments to their leisure time to attend their next meeting and call them on the carpet.

They imply that their is some hidden scandal on the Inclusion Declaration website if you just search into every nook and cranny.
