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BothCourage9285 t1_j5arkyq wrote

Hardest part of using an older vehicle for winter is the state inspection. Minor wear and tear accumulates and depending on the inspections station, you could be in for a hefty bill to pass.

On top of that some older vehicles were built to looser specs so brand new ball joints and leaf spring bushings have too much play for some inspections stations to clear you.

I had an old beater toyota pickup with high miles that ran great and had little rust. An older station would pass me no problem, but the new owners were not accustomed to older vehicles and wouldn't pass me.

Or just run without a sticker


ginguegiskhan t1_j5b6416 wrote

The last sentence is the way if you're running an old car 😅


Willman3755 t1_j5brhvo wrote

$50 for an inspection, first ticket for not having a sticker is $50.

As long as you average less than 1 ticker a year you come out ahead skipping inspection lol.


NonDeterministiK t1_j5cy1ui wrote

r u sure about that? I thought the first ticket is well over $100 and also requires you to prove you got an inspection within a month.


Willman3755 t1_j5d0c1w wrote

First one is $50 and usually you can get it waived if you get your car inspected within a month.

I've never gone beyond that but I think the second is around $100.