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SoggyEstablishment8 t1_j5ednlh wrote

Care to elaborate?


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_j5hzg6n wrote

Looks like from his FB page’s public posts he’s down the Q rabbit hole quite a bit- major influences/offenses include Hunter Biden Laptop, Child Trafficking and Fauci/COVID Conspiracy rumor vectoring. Minor influences include brotheism, Libertarianism, and bootstrap/hustle culture bullshit. (The minors here aren’t deal-breakers standalone but they usually do imply the majors right?)


Anon_802 t1_j5tadki wrote

This comment actually sums him up quite well and is only missing the fact that he's very much a slimy salesman as well. Like movie character car salesman or a snake oil salesman. He has a long history of owning several different businesses and types of businesses, not so much from his own success, but rather from his wife and her family's money. If he follows his trends, he'll give up 802 pizza eventually and move on to his next random thing. It's very odd knowing he owns a pizza place now. The guy had a real estate magazine at one point before this and it was so annoying how often he pushed that onto everyone.

It's like he has a bunch of random business ideas that he tosses into a hat and every 5 or so years he pulls another one out and pursues it.

This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for every single thing you mentioned, and plenty more, about who he actually is as a person.


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_j5u66mr wrote

Sounds like you either haven’t found Jaysus(tm) or are afraid to succeed! LOL. Yeah all that brain leakage on public settings is a mixed blessing- you know who they are but then the horror of realizing it’s the tip of the iceberg sets in, like the memes you see are what passes muster. Thankfully, plenty of business people know to angle for 100% of the business not just 50%!