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802fizo t1_j5edwp0 wrote

Fox tracks would be in a straight line


lildirtfoot t1_j5ogrfo wrote

Same with a coyote! I believe they are perfect steppers as well.


RoyalIndependence500 t1_j5efs5k wrote

Definitely canid. Were the tracks in a straight line ( direct register) or more off center? Was the human footprint yours or was it there? That could indicate a small dog.


Merino_w00l OP t1_j5fh7no wrote

Our footprint. The tracks were in a straight line. Digit replacing.


RoyalIndependence500 t1_j5fj5l1 wrote

Red Fox have “dainty” footprints in a straight line. The front footprint is wide compared to the more pointed hind paw. If snow is shallow or firm the prints will only show portions of toes and heel pads. Your photo looks as if these are not fresh prints. Did you notice a musky, skunky odor in the vicinity? Red Fox urine has an odor similar to skunk. I’d guess it’s a red or possibly gray fox. But tracking is tricky, and identifying tracks from a photo is even more so.BTW I get my information from a tracking class I took at North Branch Nature Center as well as from Peterson’s Animal Tracks Field Guide. Both great resources you should check out!


Merino_w00l OP t1_j5deyf6 wrote

A little over an inch across. Fox?


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j5fru5t wrote

Small coyote or dog, fox or stray cat. Hard to tell with it that melted.


hazyphasers t1_j5fol1s wrote

You should check out A field guide to tracking mammals in the Northeast. It’s very thorough and a fun book to have around


Nanotude t1_j5gqhgd wrote

Looks like fox. Recently ID'd similar prints in my own yard with a trail cam.


_SassaFrass t1_j5e3vzn wrote

It looks melted. Were the prints smaller?


Merino_w00l OP t1_j5fhrrj wrote

I’d be a little surprised if it was a dog. Found these on our property and we don’t have a dog. It’s possible the neighbors dog came through but the pattern didn’t indicate a dog running through


kapntug t1_j5evcbr wrote

Small dog or fox


AllyEmmie t1_j5dy7tf wrote

Dog, possibly coyote. More likely fox.
