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hotpieismyking t1_j5o9y8l wrote

You are in one of the most expensive towns in the state... Look further out in the small rural towns for a house that needs fixing up.


Trajikbpm t1_j5ofowp wrote

Seems eveyone like OP comes here and wants to live in the most expensive populated area and cries when they can't find anything and would rather move back than look in cheaper areas. It's getting old.


greeneyedbandit82 t1_j5oqmye wrote

The rural areas are now unaffordable as well. I also would like to live out in the sticks and have some land and get out of SB but along with the OP, anywhere within an hour commute is way out of our price range. The only 'affordable' areas I see when on Zillow is like Springfield/southern Vermont.


Nostalchiq t1_j5on723 wrote

I have actually been wanting to live in the middle of nowhere, like back home in Montana. Don't want to live in a city. But it seems nothing is ever available except town homes.