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RZRPRINCESS t1_j5onwrw wrote

This is really unfortunate. However, people are right Middlebury is a very expensive tourist/college town. Always has been always will be. It's like Stowe but not as obnoxious.

Advice from a native that works in an overpriced tourist town (Stowe): If you want to buy or rent something cheaper and bigger, you are going to have to commute. It sucks but the majority of my co-workers and I that work at Stowe mountain live about 45-60 mins away from work or they have roommates to be able to afford to live semi-closer. I live 60 minutes away, but the pay makes it worth the commute.

You also are going have to take your expectations of finding a turn key home with a reasonable price out of the equation. At this point a fixer upper, mobile home or modular home may be your best bet but don't take that commute out of the equation.

Have you tried looking in Brandon? Bristol? Pittsford? areas

You are not alone the housing crisis is real and we are all waiting for these second homeowners, Airbnb owners and people that can't hack the Vermont lifestyle to get sick of it and leave. So we can finally buy again!

Don't give up.....Part of living in Vermont is overcoming adversity and becoming stronger for it.


Nostalchiq t1_j5p0k35 wrote

Thank you for the kind words and encouragement, I really appreciate it. Yes, we had to commute quite a bit back home to in order to make money. With my husband being a chef, we have to live within driving distance of larger cities, so we're used to it. We really don't want to live farther out than an hour though, that would just be too much unless the pay was incredible, which rarely is the case for kitchen workers.

We have been looking at mobile homes as well as fixer uppers that don't require too much work because my husband doesn't have time to work on a house between his job and school and I don't know anything about DIY and have a baby to watch all day. If it just looks shabby and needs a paint job though that's no problem.

We will do our best to keep our heads up and find a way out of this. Just the waiting is the hard part.