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brothermuffin t1_j5p6qd9 wrote

I bought a home for 150k. It’s a mobile, with land. I don’t wish to generalize, but it’s my suspicion that most people would find something affordable if they lowered their standards a bit. My home isn’t shiny but it’s liveable. Not in the area I desired most, but damn near. Widen your net. Put in some sweat equity. Vermont is always gonna be Vermont. People everywhere have always been people. Stories shape our lives, so take a more authorial approach and don’t believe everything you read.


Nostalchiq t1_j5p7mbu wrote

Thanks for the advice and encouragement. We are definitely keeping our eyes open for mobile homes and have been since we moved here. We just don't want my husband driving more than 2 hours a day for work is all.