Submitted by Free_Carrot2781 t3_10kqov3 in vermont

Hey all, only been here maybe 4 years but isn't it a lot warmer than it should be? At least in Chittenden County dunno about others. We won't have a single night under 5f through January and most of the daily highs have been above or just below freezing. Is this a normal thing every few years or is this a once in a 100 years kind of thing? I get climate change is real but this feels like an extreme change.



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[deleted] t1_j5sd9rb wrote

It's trending upwards but varies wildly from year to year.

35 years ago the lake would regularly freeze to the point you could drive all the way to Plattsburgh.


WeddingUsed t1_j5shqta wrote

And 35 years from now, should the proposal be approved, we could be driving all the way there year round.


Free_Carrot2781 OP t1_j5sjqch wrote

A bridge would be convenient but the cost will always be a major and likely insurmountable hurdle.


ziggygersh t1_j5w2or8 wrote

New York should pay for it as it would benefit Plattsburgh residents far more than it would benefit Vermonters


Coachtzu t1_j5sbyph wrote

I'm relatively young (30) so I could just be a child of climate change, but in my experience growing up here it varies year to year. This is one of the warmer winters I remember, but it's about on par with a winter about 4 or 5 years ago where it was crazy warm. There was a winter when I was in high school that was about this warm as well. Again, could just be climate change, but don't be shocked if 2 winters from now you're freezing your nips off like you were last year and all the republicans come crawling out of the woodwork making jokes like "so much for global warming."


Free_Carrot2781 OP t1_j5scljp wrote

Thank you for your insight, sure the high temps have been nice but I thought we'd see nights in the negatives by now.


Ok-Title-270 t1_j5u8c91 wrote

You'll almost definitely see lows in the negatives before the end of winter


ZookeepergameOk8231 t1_j5sg3y5 wrote

Trump said the blizzard at Christmas time in Buffalo was proof there is no such thing as climate change. So there’s that definitive analysis of the winter so far.


Mallard_a4_Thoth t1_j5te9p9 wrote

Remember that winter...oh, ten or so years ago, when it was in the 60s/70s in February? That one was crazy!


MarkVII88 t1_j5tfbev wrote

It was Mid-March, and it was nearly 80 degrees. I have photos of my daughter as a young child, helping me wash my car outside in the driveway, while wearing her bathing suit.


RamaSchneider t1_j5sz21w wrote

As you wrote: "climate change is real", and that is what you are experiencing.


Free_Carrot2781 OP t1_j5tq0l9 wrote

I get it thing is I didn't expect this big a difference this winter. We're seeing bizarre weather events around the world as it accelerates.


bluepied t1_j5t1qr9 wrote

This time last year it was brutally cold, like -17 degrees F in the mornings, with bitter windchill. I was fighting freezing pipes for multiple days in a few rental units i own so this year I’m relieved AF it’s in the 30’s and seemingly pleasant!

Sorry to those few friends that decided to buy snowmobiles…years ago I used to get tempted, now you’re lucky if you can break them outta the garage just to start it up ;)


E_White12 t1_j5t2v1c wrote

We got over a foot yesterday and more is coming tonight in southern vt. I also remember a winter a few years ago where central VT got dumped on and southern vt had no snow. Its always been that way it depends where the storm fronts pass through.


buildandgrow t1_j5tbcmo wrote

Don’t love the weekly posts on winter temp/snow that just stir the pot. Climate change is real but no single day, week, month, or even year in itself is evidence of it. Last year’s winter was about 5 degrees colder than the average winter. This one’s warmer. That is just evidence of variability and regression to the mean - a mean which is undoubtedly very, very slowly going up.


WantDastardlyBack t1_j5tdpgu wrote

I have lived here for almost 50 years, and in all the years I can remember, we've had warm stretches - the typical January thaw-, but this is the first Dec/Jan where I haven't seen below-zero temperatures. It's weird.


kswagger t1_j5uwy31 wrote

We are in a La Nina winter, our third in a row, these tend to be more mild and more unstable, but we can still get some solid snow out of them, Feb 2021 is one of the best months of Skiing I can remember, refills day after day. Hope that happens again this Winter, pray to Ullr


No-Ganache7168 t1_j5ttsud wrote

My husband is a weather nerd. We have a weather station at our house and he shared stats with the NWS. He mentioned we could end up having the warmest January in memory. The snow amounts vary by year but are trending downward. When we moved here 21 years ago we’d always hit about 200 inches. Lately it’s been lower.


Ausmith1 t1_j5v8h3r wrote

Yeah, we moved here 20 years ago, that first winter we took a picture of my now 21yo son up to his neck in snow. Not a snow drift, just regular snow in a large lawn in South Burlington. Been a while since we had that much snow in one go...


Cobdain t1_j5skn8v wrote

When I was little we could go almost an entire week without breaking single digits. I am confident I will never see that again in my lifetime


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5tbij7 wrote

Yup, I remember a few winters we went a week without hitting the plus side of zero.

I don’t miss it. It was hunker down survival mode. Needed to bundle up just to run to the woodshed to grab an armload of wood. I ended up with frostbite one because I touched a piece of metal that was -20 while I was trying to get a car to start.


Cobdain t1_j5tjt98 wrote

Thing is, that kind of brutal weather is what kept ticks and shit like that at bay. All those gross things from the Warner climates


dropkickninja t1_j5smoua wrote

it will happen at some point. but much much less frequently. i went to high school with students that snowmobiled there. good luck now. we have no snow. the weather has changed. look forward to a lot of winters that are just really long and sometimes cold falls.


Nice_Opportunity_405 t1_j5sehm7 wrote

Don’t jinx it!!!! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


emmyoutside t1_j5ta44b wrote

Right?? They said it out loud, so now February is going to be frigid.


twdvermont t1_j5ujxyg wrote

Obviously it can change, but I’m seeing a low of -8F in the forecast for the end of next week. 🥶


IAMBIVT t1_j5t15kh wrote

BTV is in second place for the warest January. So far, but Tyler said yesterday that the last week is going to be cooler than normal.


Stockmom42 t1_j5u0l7h wrote

Definitely much warmer than any other winter I’ve been here for, although I’m a transplant I visited family here always in the winter and this is unusual for sure.


Fantastic_Painter_15 t1_j5u4vdq wrote

You don’t understand the severity and rapidity of climate change. Also, weather and climate are not the same.


Commercial_Case_7475 t1_j5vm2u2 wrote

I recommend everyone use the government's weather database to look at historical snowfall and weather patterns for VT. As someone pointed out in a previous thread, the '60s and '70s saw the most snowfall on record in Vermont, and it has since been declining, but is relatively on par with snowfall amounts almost 100 years ago. That being said, there is of course a clear trend to warmer weather, with more melting and less snow accumulation due to the sheer fact of rising global temperature. But this month is definitely not abnormal for Vermont, the weather here has always been fluctuating season to season, due to our position on the jet stream, and the constant battle between the Atlantic and continental air masses.

Climate change is real, but not every "weird" weather pattern is due to climate change; it's more nuanced than that.