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Belastin t1_j5ve4o6 wrote

Honestly yes?

Treat it like it is, a health problem. If you’re an addict why not just give them the real deal. All they’re going to do is find an alternative that is 90% more harmful to their health.


joeydokes t1_j5wk6np wrote

Man, I so wish people in charge would get that message!

Legalize all drugs, eliminate the criminality from the addiction and treat it as the health problem it is.

Make opium (smoke it) and coca (chew it) available at medicinal/rec head shops and track it like pot.

Pay off-duty cops to deliver heroin to serious junkies; free and conditional to getting weekly counseling.

Sounds crazy, I know; but anything that breaks the cycle of addiction->crime and lightens the burden on the courts/police has to stop making too much sense!

(Or, ... follow the $)


_foxmotron_ t1_j5vek53 wrote

whispers I agree, but I like to see the mental gymnastics people put themselves through to explain why it’s different.