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joeydokes t1_j5wflef wrote

> Things change. Deal with it.

There a 100m gun legal gun owners. They passed BG checks and they abide. Some hunt, some target shoot, some need them on their job, some are vets.... whatever. For decades now, they've been told "we're not coming for your guns". Yet, here we are; IL and similar are trying to pass some of the most restrictive gun laws that make owning a modern firearm (and obtaining the permits where obliged) nearly impossible. Like banning semi-automatic guns, cosmetics like their furniture ... ; despite the overwhelming evidence that it has no bearing on GV. Are firearms (part of) the problem? Sure, illegal guns, some loopholes in need of fixing maybe. But THE problem? Far from it.

Fix the income disparity, fix healthcare, fix the social safety net, then let's talk guns. One fact is indisputable: police and law enforcement will not protect you; they 'solve' crime not prevent it. Your safety is your responsibility; period.

Your feeling that 2A is outdated, that it costs you YOUR freedom, only shows your displaced trust in our broken systems; all its corruption notwithstanding.

We are a violent people, as a nation; what we do best are guns and drugs. Except up until recently they been generally aimed at points outside our borders (since we basically exterminated the natives). Trying to remove peoples' rightfully obtained guns is not the answer. Specially when those advocating controls have no interest in knowing the subject matter enough to discuss it.

More like (billionaire) Bloomberg funding Mom's demand.... as a front for disarming the public.

Just like coke flooding into LA ghettos (Iran-Contra), for one example, GV today is the crows coming home to roost. It's how the filthy rich keep people divided and down. No-knock warrants, Eminent Domain, Civil asset forfeiture, de-facto slavery alive and doing well in private prisons....

Something's gotta give. Disarming the public is where it usually starts.

Show me on the doll where the police beat you senseless