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HeadPen5724 t1_j6egi2y wrote

It’s not actually, I described a traditional runoff.

Why would I ask Maine? I lived through Bob Kiss.


cepheus42 t1_j6hmz8w wrote

You didn't describe any "traditional" runoff, you just said runoff. I just saved you SHIT loads of time and money with my instant runoff versus your "traditional" runoff. Boom, it's done at the same time, on the same ballot. At the polls or mail in, it doesn't matter, it saves time, money, and effort. VASTLY superior if you could think it through. But you're clinging to one event in your life which didn't go your way. Meanwhile, entire countries have used this system easily and successfully for decades.

The country lived through Trump, elected via the "traditional" way. And Maine lived through LePage, elected via the "traditional" way TWICE. And I could run through ENDLESS lists of terrible, horrible, disgusting people who got elected without winning a plurality of support because of your preferred method of voting "which has worked for 200 years," and hasn't worked at all during that time period. Instead, we keep voting for the "lesser of two evils" because to vote any other way is guaranteed to ensure the DEEPLY evil assholes win.

But sure, you cling to that one local election that didn't go the way you wanted as proof it doesn't work. It only tells me folks in Burlington did a shit job educating folks on the system and how it works.


HeadPen5724 t1_j6hrh3u wrote

Trump was never part of a runoff??

I’m not sure about Lepage, I don’t follow ME politics since they’re fairly irrelevant to Vt.

It saves like 5 minutes of time, minimal money (which if costs were a concern we wouldn’t do mass mail out ballots and would just have people request absentee ballots so that “benefit” comes off as a bit silly and a lot hypocritical)

You didn’t save me anything… you’ve waste more of my time spouting redundant talking points then it would take to request an absentee ballot, fill it out and send it back in.

That and it violates the one person one vote principle that really is the foundation of democracy for people who don’t rank every candidate.

It’s not just me who didn’t like it… it was a VAST MAJORITY. You seem to think everyone who voted using IRV previously were idiots and now a days everyone’s smarter, even though many of those same people will still be voting.

Finally if you are voting for the lesser of two evils and not the best candidate please stop worrying about IRV and try to focus on just plain voting. You’re doing it wrong.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j6f9njm wrote

Bob Kiss is the reason I get trepidatious every time this topic is brought up.
