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reidfleming2k20 t1_j6j2ubk wrote

That's the problem, a lot of people didn't know that they could do that. I know it all seems very simple to you but ask anyone who was in Burlington at the time, it was a total nightmare.


landodk t1_j6j3wdu wrote

Seems like a rollout problem. When was it? Ithink that’s an important lesson not a reason not to. Republicans and probably Democrats would benefit from clearly saying “just us”. Third parties would benefit from taking the extra time to show people how they can vote for them first and then the major party.

Probably design ballot to clarify you “may vote for just one if preferred” that language benefits the main parties designing it anyway


reidfleming2k20 t1_j6j4nz3 wrote

  1. As I've said, they were over the top in their education efforts, especially the Progs because it benefited them the most. But it's always going to be confusing to the American electorate no matter what you do, that was very clear. "Go to x polling place on y date and vote for your favorite" is about as complicated as a lot of people are ever going to be able to handle.