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Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j61v5na wrote

Honestly, Woodstock would be the best I think. There’s snow everywhere so you’ll be good, Woodstock has all the stuff you want, and will give you the hallmark “vermont” stuff you’re expecting. But just know that it’s not actually a reflection of Vermont. Haha


nixxon t1_j61zrpe wrote

I came here to say this. Woodstock is convenient and touristy and very very pretty. Sounds like it would be a fun time for OP.


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j61ve81 wrote

You’ll have billings museum which is fun, and there’s also the Rockefeller place which you can probably do some hiking. If you’re up for that, just be careful if you’re not used to walking in the winter.


Accomplished-Wish494 t1_j61ngka wrote

My crystal ball is in the shop right now, but you have a pretty good chance of snow anywhere in VT in January. And it’s likely to be bitter cold too. Not sure what kind of parks you want, but snow and cold are going to make playgrounds largely unusable, and those with walking paths are mostly not cleared of snow and ice.


93devil OP t1_j61nv5l wrote

Thank you. Just views. Maybe a short walking trail.


ZebraDonkey66 t1_j61q8z9 wrote

Waitsfield/Warren and Waterbury/Stowe


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j61suxn wrote

Go for the touristy ski resorts like Killington, Sugerbush and/or Stowe. Even if there’s 12 feet of snow on the ground, they’ll be cleared enough for you to get there without snow tires. If it’s been 35F for three weeks, they’ll have the snow machines running so you get white stuff anyway.

You try going up a road that’s snow covered hard pack gravel, you’ll definitely remember your trip because of the actual winter, but not so much the arts, food or parks.

Edit: Bad spellers of the the world UNTIE!


Galadrond t1_j6775b4 wrote

I’d recommend West Dover or Wilmington.


anusty t1_j67idnk wrote

Chittenden and stay at the Mountain Top Inn. Used to work there. Can’t speak for service today, some 30 years later, but I know the scenery hasn’t changed and that place is a little piece of heaven.


assholelarry t1_j6edznm wrote

The first week of January could be anything. This year I went golfing on New Year’s Day in long sleeves and had a blast. It might be snowy…it might be 50 degrees. It could also be bare ass grass and minus 20.


93devil OP t1_j6kjsn3 wrote

This is what we are afraid of. Hopefully getting more inland will help.