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Gary_Vigoda t1_j7jvufa wrote

Bush's Dad and their buddies in the military industrial complex hijacked the US in the 80s/90s by teaming up with the major media conglomerates to take over independent media, wipe out the journalism industry, and keep young people from protesting their endless wars.

The reason Americans got FOX News is because these guys deregulated the media, allowing it to be monopolized which is why Disney, Warner, Viacom, etc own everything now.


ilikemrrogers t1_j7kf6jw wrote

Clinton was actually the one to deregulate all of that in the Telecommunications Act of 1996. I was in broadcasting at the time, and when he signed it into law, TV culture changed almost immediately.

I no longer needed an FCC license to do my job. Saturday morning cartoons went away. Well… the good “classic” ones anyway. iHeart Media (clear channel at the time) immediately started taking over.


AbeLincoln30 t1_j7l23qp wrote

he deregulated Wall Street, too... gutted Glass Steagall... 10 years later, financial meltdown


Kant-Touch-This t1_j7n81u8 wrote

Worth noting that this was a law, passed by a turbo Republican congress. Though you’re right that the WH had a significant hand in it though the Clinton/Gore aim seemed more focused on open internet. Worth checking out his signing statement. I love the bits about an “information superhighway”. I also love how oldsters who worked in that industry all insist they worked in “high technology” 😝


ilikemrrogers t1_j7n8v4y wrote

You’re absolutely right. It was a Republican Congress and a Dem President.

One of my biggest (well, THE biggest) criticisms I had of Hillary during her run was that she never said, “we championed a lot of causes that ended up turning out poorly. I learned from those mistakes.” She stood by almost everything they did (and yes, they did it. She was as much the person behind the curtain as Dick Chaney was to Bush.).

My lifelong career was going to be broadcasting until that changed it all. Much of the magic left. Now, you don’t even need a studio to have a local station anymore. Put up a transmitter and a receiver, link it to an automated radio piece of software in LA, and boom. You have radio stations everywhere spouting what you want people to hear.


buzzzzz1 t1_j7kiarb wrote

Good. Without a doubt, Fox News is right wing and a lot of times over the top. Without Fox News, every other TV news outlet would be left leaning.