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TerranPhil t1_j7nte5o wrote

I fucking hate YouTube videos. I wish there was a way to permanently filter...


bucko_fazoo t1_j7nuq4u wrote

can you point to a video on this sub right now that isn't youtube? maybe just unsubscribe, that's your filter.


TerranPhil t1_j7nuvgi wrote

98% of videos on my feed are not YouTube.


bucko_fazoo t1_j7nw1qy wrote

I didn't ask about your feed overall, I'm telling you this subreddit in particular is 99% youtube links so maybe reconsider your participation. It's an easy fix to your problem, that's all.


Darolaho t1_j7pimr2 wrote

How can you hate youtube videos? what the hell would you rather watch them on?

The reddit player is legit atrocious

streamable that threatens to delete random videos unless you subscribe to their subscription