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thisismynewacct t1_j7p3h9k wrote

Not a plane but occasionally helicopters will buzz 1WTC in NYC and it’s pretty nuts. They’ll be flying within what looks like 100’ and you can clearly everyone inside. Close enough to hear the windows shake. And not just once but for a few laps.

It’s always military (blackhawks) or coast guard (also blackhawks)


snaeper t1_j7pdu77 wrote

If I may interrupt with a useless bit of information:

Black Hawk - Army

Seahawk - Navy

Pave Hawk - Air Force

Jayhawk - Coast Guard

Your point is nonetheless diminished, I merely meant to bring this useless bit of trivia to your and other readers attention. Carry on.


LilDutchy t1_j7qmat3 wrote

From one pedant to another: saying “your point is nonetheless diminished” implies that their point is diminished. Nonetheless means “however” or “despite anything to the contrary”. You could have said “Nonetheless, your point is undiminished.”


snaeper t1_j7sy3gj wrote

Ah yes, I did not realize my error. At least my point was undiminished!


adminhotep t1_j7phgv0 wrote

What’s Space Force’s helicopter called?


snaeper t1_j7pjhcp wrote

Star Hawk.

In actuality, though, they would use the Pave Hawk if they had need of an S-70 based air frame.


idontcarewhatever222 t1_j7pjl64 wrote

Cheeto Hawk, in honor of the branch's infamously orange founder. He thought it sounded like Cheetah Hawk but fell asleep texting with cheeseburger grease on his tiny fingers.
