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[deleted] t1_j7psc6a wrote


pwalkz t1_j7q4svn wrote

If they don't understand why it happened why would they leave. Seems like it should be meant to explain if that is the point.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_j7q6qsj wrote

>If they don't understand why it happened why would they leave.

If you're confused when a military aircraft buzzes you in a restricted area, you shouldn't be driving. The reality is the military doesn't care if you understand or not, that's not important. Their job is to keep random people off restricted areas, if you can't tell someone wants your attention when you're repeatedly buzzed by aircraft, that's on you. This is commonplace in secure areas. Just look up what happened at the NSA entrance on the east coast when two dealers took the wrong turn. Same would happen at any other restricted area.

They have a lot more to lose by not keeping the place secure.


StorminNorman t1_j7q75d2 wrote

I think getting blasted by a jet that low that imparts that much down blast is a pretty clear "turn the fuck around" instruction in any language...


pwalkz t1_j7q8vwj wrote

And by that logic I should already know I'm in a place I shouldn't be. Clearly the scenario is when I'm oblivious to my error. This will only scare me into a panic.


StorminNorman t1_j7qavlu wrote

How the fuck do you get that logic from what I said?! Do you think the pilot cares if you know if you're there or not? Cos they sure as shit don't. You know what a lot of people do when they panic? Turn tail and run away. It's an innate response. Sure, some clam up. But a lot don't and will do everything to remove themselves from the situation. Think about it, would they do this if it wasn't effective?


pwalkz t1_j7qbbdg wrote

Because for the flyover to have the effect you want I have to know I'm somewhere I shouldn't be. Are you ok? Have fun scaring randos and then blowing them up because they're confused bud.


StorminNorman t1_j7qdanu wrote

So. Your first thought when you got blasted by this would be to just continue driving onwards? Did you watch the video? The car and it's occupants got their shit rocked. That's a pretty clear signal to literally everyone on the planet besides you that maybe something is up and you should probably not keep doing what it is that you're doing. But sure, tell me more how you'd just plow on like someone with a room temperature IQ...


pwalkz t1_j7qhknd wrote

I probably wouldn't know wtf just happened. Use your imagination for two seconds.


StorminNorman t1_j7qiw0a wrote

I am using my imagination. I'm using it to try to see this from the point of an idiot and am obviously failing. I say again, why would they do this if it didn't work? And who gives a fuck if you knew what happened or not? You'd bug the fuck out of their as quick as you could. You wouldn't be hanging around to find out if it happens a second time. It's like being in an unfamiliar part of town and hearing something out of the ordinary. You don't hang around, you get out of there asap. This is that turned to 14. I swear, it must be tiring for you, having your two brain cells constantly fighting for third place...