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The_Bat_Voice t1_ja6qwxt wrote

Thank you for contributing nothing but negativity to a nice moment in time. I hope you are able find 2 moments to contribute positively to the world today because right now, you are in a deficit.


[deleted] t1_ja78c0l wrote



rnhf t1_ja7a0v9 wrote

that's unfair. I didn't care too much for the script (it was ok though), but everything else was on point. From the directing, which is usually hard to even tell, down to the set design

It's "overrated" (kinda hate that term) but hating on it just because everybody loves it, that's just being contrarian

-e- that being said, without having watched Mother and Noah, it's the weakest film of aronofsky I've seen. But that doesn't mean much.