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bludgeonerV t1_ja6y8af wrote

Fair enough if it's not to your tastes. Imo it's pretty excellent, and Fraser honestly earned all the praise he's getting. The last scene especially has an incredible performance from hi.


rnhf t1_ja77ec3 wrote

it's good, but honestly I expected a bit more from aronofsky. For something that was adapted from a play, it had a pretty mediocre script IMHO

Definitely amazing perfomances from every actor involved (they had to be for this movie, and if I remember correctly, it was VERY carefully cast, and they rehearsed the whole movie for like a week or something before actually shooting), and all the other stuff was great as well, just the writing didn't really work for me

Good movie overall though, worth a watch. Kinda depressing, but in the "catharsis at the end"-kinda way if that makes sense lol


Orngog t1_ja81lgz wrote

Do you watch a lot of plays? I always think movies from walk a treacherous path, dialogue for the state is written for projection, cinema is telegraphic- it brings the faraway close-up. Certainly, I would not expect an adaptation to have a great script... Too much has to change, one way or the other.


rnhf t1_ja84iqp wrote

you adapt a play because of the script, because you have to basically change everything else. And a good script, for a play I mean, usually has to be strong enough that it stands on its own, you're gonna have different directors, actors etc. A good playwright knows this and writes something that can speak for itself.

It's obviously not a science, but when a great director like aronofsky spends this much time and energy on adapting a script from stage to screen, yeah, I kinda have high expectations

>Do you watch a lot of plays?

nah, theatre is gay

I'm kidding, but I actually don't watch a lot of plays anymore
