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Jibber_Fight t1_jakb6j5 wrote

Ya ya jokes about he’s filthy rich, blah blah. But the surgeons did do a great job.


foodishlove t1_jal65dh wrote

I give him credit, he was back up and making jokes about it in no time. Whatever else you wanna say about the guy he is a straight up baller when it comes to flipping a switch and putting on a show no matter what he is going through.


jpop4 t1_jaly194 wrote

Geez he’s a terrible driver


Folsomdsf t1_jamfy9b wrote

He drives too many cars most likely is the cause of this. He was pulling in forward into a spot pretty tight. He was unfortunately in a tesla which are generally poor in the maneuver compared to what he likely drives. REmember he drives from antique Model T's all the way up to a modern porsche. The tesla is likely still the worst at that maneuver from his normal drivers. Small mistake, barely a little paint scrape.


Skeptical-_- t1_jan0v3r wrote

This plus he’s 72, still seems pretty sharp but stuff happens


Swagaru t1_janw3th wrote

If he drives that many cars, he should be a better driver not worse. How would driving more cars make him a worse driver?


TheBigBadPanda t1_jaqhr1z wrote

Not all cars gandle the same at high speed. Good habits for how to round a corner quickly with most cars can lead to disaster with a particular car with otver characteristics


keepyeepy t1_jandey2 wrote

I bet you can't even drive manual, let alone the steam cars he masters. Get over yourself.


Krambazzwod t1_jawn83c wrote

Just saw a thing in the local news that he is performing at a college in Senatobia, Mississippi this weekend…obviously the guy simply LOVES performing for people.


Sendstorepatter t1_jaljxly wrote

He's an entertainer and have been for 35 years or more? Would he wake up from surgery and be a different person?


Hazardbeard t1_jamy4k1 wrote

After having his entire face and ear burnt off? Yeah bud, that happens a lot, it’s called PTSD.


lllNico t1_jalt7uk wrote

the jokes aren’t really an attack on him. tge american healthcare system is broken and this is the perfect example of it. Your income should have NOTHING to do with the treatment you are getting.


Jibber_Fight t1_jalvj0i wrote

Oh for sure! I just meant objectively, they did a great job.


SkyNightZ t1_jamba1l wrote

Well now...

Income should have an impact on the level of treatment you can get.

Buuut, income shouldn't stop you from getting a very satisfactory baseline of healthcare.

Are you going to make it illegal for private hospitals to exist?

Everywhere with public healthcare still has private healthcare. The American talking point of either or is dumb.


ImmenatizingEschaton t1_jamgdkz wrote

Nuance? Sir, this is Reddit, where capitalism is bad, brought to you by a tech company owned by the CCP but IPOing on Wall Street.


lllNico t1_jamec5z wrote

that would mean some treatments would be unatainable for some people, which is unacceptable. This is also a problem in almost all countries today, so not just america.


TheSausageKing t1_jamm0xe wrote

I don't think the most advanced plastic surgery needs to be available to all people.

Jay Leno is a talk show host and his appearance is important for his career and for everyone that works for him. I'm a programmer. If I get 3rd degree burns, I don't need the $1m latest cutting edge, option. Take care of the burns, minimize the scars as best you reasonably can, and that's ok.

And realize that by paying for the very advanced, $1m option, Jay is helping to advance that technology and it will become cheaper over time.


DeathMetal007 t1_jamygpz wrote

You deserve what Leno gets buddy. If he gets plastic surgery, then you should too. And his rich ass should pay for it


lllNico t1_jamppsh wrote

the problem is that you think it actually costs 1 mil, but go off defending the broken system boo


Hazardbeard t1_jamyqr5 wrote

Exactly how much do you think the time of a team of world class specialist surgeons and everyone assisting them is worth? Nothing?


lllNico t1_jamzjpc wrote

at 10.000$ per hour, they would have 100 hours to do the surgery to hit 1 million. I very much doubt it would take them 100 hours and i very much doubt their hourly wage, even at that super high level you are talking about, is 10.000$/hour


Hazardbeard t1_jan0fxz wrote

And, let’s keep going here, do you think those are the only costs involved in entirely replacing a human’s face? Equipment. Supplies. Finite materials. A place to do it that someone had to spend several hundred million dollars to build. The diagnostic work and preparation beforehand, as the surgeons planned what to do and the teams got things ready. His recovery.

Until we get matter replicators, I’m sorry, but some things are going to be inherently resource heavy to do regardless of whether we choose to assign a currency value to it or not.


lllNico t1_jan2zak wrote

oh sorry, yeah i forgot they only do it once and then blow uop the building. my mistake


Hazardbeard t1_jan3bog wrote

How many surgeries do you think have to be done before the facility has paid for itself?


heroinsteve t1_jan4zaz wrote

To be fair, every hospital bill I've received I feel like I was being charged for the construction of the building as well.


SkyNightZ t1_jamgxul wrote

Not all treatments are affordable though.

It's a pipe dream.

A benefit of a private public split is it allows private clinics to spend loads of money on relatively new technology and overtime demonstrate and prove efficacy as well as allow the initial R&D costs to be absorbed by them.

Then once the treatments are affordable they can drop down into the public system.

To say everything must be public immediately ignores the obvious reality that the governments pockets are not infinitely deep and when there is no profit incentive some things just won't get researched.

Take skin grafting as an example. It's cosmetic surgery at the end of the day. A government isn't going to invest in getting people trained for such a procedure.

But private will because people would pay to look 'normal'.

Now that the people are trained on skin grafting and the technology is common, public healthcare gets to take advantage.

You would hurt the overall level of care by being driven by an end goal of wanting everything to be available to everyone.

Sure, can be done but compared to before there would be less procedures possible.


lllNico t1_jams234 wrote

oh you sweet child, sure they are spending the profits on new treatments, sure they are... ;)


SkyNightZ t1_jamyzny wrote

In a private only model sure, it sucks.

but everywhere with public and private that is literally how it works.

Don't "sweet child" me when you clearly have no idea how the system works.


lllNico t1_jamztc5 wrote

it doesnt work like that tho


SkyNightZ t1_janculh wrote

It literally does. Like your pulling this out of thin air.

Guess which one of us works in the pharmaceutical research business and who doesn't.

The government can afford some research, but it wants to see maximum patient impact.

That means diseases that effect a small percentage of the population get less funding.

However to private investors those diseases can be incredibly lucrative.

So private funds research in those areas more than public. Then overtime (because most of these ventures go nowhere) the successful treatments make their way to the top and get more development.

This is early stage vs late stage research.

The government is more willing to help fund late stage research because its more viable. But without the early stage research there is no late stage.

I've simplified the process but if you did the most basic level of research you would see what I'm saying is true.

What you have is an IDEA, and you are hoping against reality that your idea is true. It simply isn't.


lllNico t1_janieqv wrote

i would like to refer you to my first comment. The AMERICAN system is broken. Nice essay tho, i am sure your boss would be quite pleased


SkyNightZ t1_jaou4v7 wrote

How is that relevant to this exchange. Read it again.


uma_sherbet t1_jamdefg wrote

Assuming that people want things to be illegal, as opposed to unnecessary.


[deleted] t1_jamptlu wrote



lllNico t1_jamrtos wrote

You jump from country to country like a travel show on Netflix. Calm down jetsetter.

how about we forget about specific systems from countries for a sec. There are a million different systems. In germany it's all private insurance companies, but heavily restricted by the gov, so actually not private at all. I am sure Finnland has thousands of weird quirks aswell as America. The point is this, if you have insurance and pay for it your whole life, then the cost of treatment should not matter. You have already paid for it every month you were alive.

if i get sick and there is a way to treat my sickness, i would like them to do that. My health insurance should pay for the treatment.

Same with physical injuries. If i burn my face off and there is a way to restore it, then i would very much like that. There is absolutely no reason to make this an income issue. Everyone pays health insurance for this exact case. In case of a health problem, i have the insurance that i will get adequate help.


[deleted] t1_jamsb5a wrote



lllNico t1_jamtvbo wrote

bro what are you even talking about, half of it is bragging you can speak 3 languages and the rest is random insults. I am not even american you clown.



Bonejack84 t1_jamb2m1 wrote

There's a skin gun that uses stem cells to reverse the damage done by burning. Heals 3rd degree burns in 72 hours.


Tomdoerr88 t1_jamv95g wrote

“We’re sorry but that’s not covered by your policy, instead we can offer to spit on it and a high five”


Hazardbeard t1_jamyb1k wrote

That’s crazy. I once did something incredibly stupid and wound up with second degree burns on my thumb and that shit took forever to heal and still looks a little funny ten years later. Stem cells are the shit.


Winjin t1_januon6 wrote

All the money in the world can only get you as far as the modern edge of science can go, anyways.

But I gotta say, modern combustiology (that's the science of burn treatment doctors) is a wonderful thing. They do what was wonders just years ago.


thobek t1_jaq3l0y wrote

Yeah money allows you to have the best. Those surgeons wouldn't of been cheap. I have friends in high places and they get looked after every year because of their position. They get the best. As long as they are making big profits the boards pay to make sure they are healthy.


patman_007 t1_jakb0mq wrote

Jay Leno looks great considering he had third degree burns all over his has Jay Leno's face.



nodnodwinkwink t1_jamutbb wrote

He got burned and then around a month ago he rode his bike into an unmarked wire resulting in a crash and multiple broken bones including his collarbone. Dude needs to calm down a bit.


ElectroFlannelGore t1_jak518m wrote

Sounds like something a shill for "Big Leno" would say.


hopper75 OP t1_jak85ag wrote

Never was a very big fan until I started watching his car show to be honest


ElectroFlannelGore t1_jakauu5 wrote

Dude I've loved his late night shows since I was a kid in the 90s and now in my mid 30s his car show is UH-MAYZING. Love his car stuff even more than the talk show.


hopper75 OP t1_jakosyv wrote

Absolutely, he pretty much has automobile museum at this point. Great car guy and I appreciate him for that


sipes216 t1_jakrahg wrote

Hes also still a good guy. So many celebs become burned out assholes. His passion for mechanical machines keeps him grounded.


RoboTroy t1_jalvv40 wrote

Yes, millions of dollars in cars sure keeps him grounded


sipes216 t1_jamzkbr wrote

What i meant was he doesnt get drawn into celebrity squabbles, and has a focus that he enjoys. He isnt doing peyltty crap in the media just for the sake of attention.


RoboTroy t1_janhl1f wrote

That's true. He does seem reserved in that way


sipes216 t1_janqyjt wrote

You can also tell from how he handles random encounters around town on his drives, and how others have met him/been invited on his show with really strange builds. It all seems to line up that hes not a scumbag.

Then there was the steam incident recently. Nothing shows character like being in crisis. Lol


M1k3yd33tofficial t1_jal60d7 wrote

I live near his garage and see him out driving all the time. Once he had a steam powered monstrosity and another he had a beautiful vintage Aston Martin. It’s a real treat.


x777x777x t1_jamvqwc wrote

he has the BEST auto museum because he keeps all his stuff in operable condition and drives ALL of it.


asoap t1_jakxwpa wrote

In the automotive world, Jay Leno is A GOD!


MisterPhD t1_jantth2 wrote

I was fan-ish, until the Conan drama happened. Dude gave him the show, just to come back a couple months later while the ratings are going up, to take it back, and also prevent him from working for another network. Felt super scummy.

Team CoCo forever.


cuddlesnuggler t1_jamsp9i wrote

NOT a shill. It's a national security issue. We have to protect our domestic Leno supply, so we don't become dependent on foreign Lenos. Please approach this rationally.


Apotropaic_Sphinx t1_jakknfa wrote

Because he's caked in makeup. I subscribe to his YouTube channel and it looks like it was applied with a rattle can.


crowsive92 t1_jak5v6a wrote

It was 3rd degree?


latinsupercube t1_jakjc8d wrote

I don't think so, 3rd degree reaches the fat layer, destroys all the skin and requires skin grafts. Looks like 2nd degree at most to me


roburrito t1_jancjzx wrote

Probably 3rd degree in a few spots. His forearm and chest looked pretty bad.


notjasonlee t1_jakoasy wrote

maybe do like...literally 5 seconds of google searching before just making shit up. he had third-degree burns and skin grafting.


[deleted] t1_jakqht7 wrote



veerKg_CSS_Geologist t1_jal0o2i wrote

Given he's wealthy he probably had 2nd degree burns which they called 3rd degree and got the best plastic surgeons to reconstruct his face.


hopper75 OP t1_jak9gim wrote

That's what he said


f_d t1_jal2lbi wrote

Here's a press appearance by his doctor while he was being treated.


scullys_alien_baby t1_jal84pk wrote

interesting that the doc mentions that it was mostly 2nd degree but some portions were 3rd degree but leno just refers to them as 3rd degree.

this isn't super important but does explain why Leno doesn't look turbo busted compared to other severe burn victims.


f_d t1_jalaje2 wrote

He needed two separate surgeries and could have had his pick of reconstructive surgeons. The important functional parts of his face were spared, but he needed some skin grafts and reconstruction. So he looks considerably better than the scarring he would have if he had received more basic treatment just to prevent infection. Whatever the level of burn, it was a serious injury that he was lucky wasn't much worse.


mqee t1_jal8tqg wrote

>possibly some third degree burns

So the vast majority were "deep second-degree burns" and the doctors weren't sure there were any third-degree burns.


eggsssssssss t1_jaka4x8 wrote

Everything else online seems to say so. I recall it being described as really, really bad around the time it happened.


ShankThatSnitch t1_jakgi6f wrote

It was



MyNameIsCronus t1_jakizas wrote

Idk, doesn't look too bad


ShankThatSnitch t1_jakkrkw wrote

3rd degree burns on 40%-50% of your face is not bad? Both of his arms were also burned as well.


veerKg_CSS_Geologist t1_jal0xwf wrote

It doesn't look like 3rd degree burns. The skin is still intact. In 3rd degree the skin is gone and the damage extends to the fatty layer below.

Unless that is a photo after grafting.


quietly_now t1_jal4bgw wrote

That’s not 3rd degree burns

Source: I’ve had first and second degree burns from a workplace accident and looked significantly worse than this. 3rd degree burns gets through to the FAT layer under your skin.


ShankThatSnitch t1_jakgffk wrote


smokeyjay t1_jakoml6 wrote

Edit: Shank showed me a pic w/ jay leno and skin grafts so I stand corrected.

The initial debate was the pic which I did not think needed surgery and were 2nd degree but now I'm shown a pic of Jay and skin grafts on his face.

I was clearly wrong and going off by the pic that was shown :(


givemethebat1 t1_jaky3kx wrote

I’m inclined to believe Jay Leno, the person to whom it happened.


veerKg_CSS_Geologist t1_jal0rpn wrote

Hmmm, a celebrity or a photo? Which is more believable?


odischeese t1_jal1ocx wrote

I wonder which one sounded wayyyv more dramatic 🤣


WhatYouProbablyMeant t1_jal5cck wrote

Idk, photos are known to stretch the truth for entertainment / publicity, whereas celebrities are known for being factual.


original_4degrees t1_jak1vwu wrote

healthcare system works fine for the rich; no surprise there.


charliesk9unit t1_jakfzzf wrote

Healthcare system only get you to the point of you not dying. Anything cosmetic depends on how much money you want to spend.


kisschicken t1_jakq3gw wrote

That’s not true. I needed some significant plastic surgery after an accident and insurance covered it without issues.


Unstablemedic49 t1_jaktxm5 wrote

Yes but insurance doesn’t cover if you want the number 1 facial plastic surgeon in the USA and travel costs to get to this person, rehabilitation, lodging, plus a time frame of when you want to be completely healed; like nothing ever happened. Remember his accident was 5 months ago.


william-t-power t1_jal0x26 wrote

Everything works for the rich. Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

It also works great for anyone with private health insurance, which I imagine is quite a few. I had to have surgery a day after a nasty fracture and I am quite impressed with the results. It was probably under a thousand out of pocket.

I also got into multiple detoxes and two rehabs the next day after calling, covered by insurance. Try getting that QOS in a socialist system.


TheGillos t1_jamigyn wrote

Typical "I got mine" psychotic mentality.


william-t-power t1_jamk403 wrote

Psychotic? That seems a bit extreme. What I am describing is a typical experience with private insurance. Most of the time people describe health insurance in the US like only 10% of people have it.

Plus, if someone figures out how it works well, doesn't that interest you?


TheGillos t1_jamx7jd wrote

> Try getting that QOS in a socialist system.

I mainly mean this line. You got your good(?) insurance, forget the social safety net!

I just did a quick check "Roughly 30 million Americans of all ages had no health insurance in 2021"... that's a lot. Not to mention the people who have crappy insurance that isn't nearly as good as the free options in other countries.

The US healthcare system suck for everyone except the well-off, which is a seemingly ever-shrinking amount of people.


william-t-power t1_jamyx82 wrote

Criticizing the socialist alternatives is fair game IMO, and I was thinking moreso of Canada and England's systems. The detoxes and rehabs I brought up because those can literally be life changing and the lack of quick access to them can be a life or death thing. It's an area where I have a lot of personal experience. I once talked to someone in England who was an alcoholic who decided they needed help. They said they were approved for rehab but they'd have a bed in 8 months. Compared to next day or next week for private insurance, I think it's fair to call out the differences. There's obviously a lot of other differences too. Criticizing a system isn't a black or white thing, where doing so means you want it entirely annihilated and disavowed.

30 million is a lot. In a country of roughly 330m people that accounts for about 9%. That's pretty good in that it indicates that 91% do have insurance. The remaining 9% need options too, but ripping out something that works pretty well for 91% to accommodate the 9% is not a good strategy. Better to consider how to approach that small percentage instead while working in the existing structure, which is certainly doable. The problem is, people don't get elected for good, simple, boring solutions, they get elected for declaring they're going to rip everything out and bring utopia for us all.

For one thing, when I was in rehabs there were some people there who were under "scholarships" as the administration put it. They had no insurance and were there for free. It was because someone who cared for them reached out and described the situation to the facility, kindly asked if there was anything they could do, and they opted to take them in at no cost out of compassion. That only works though when it's a small percentage, they need to sustain the system with the majority of people who have insurance paying their way.


TheGillos t1_jan2a8w wrote

Sorry, your healthcare comparatively sucks. Find one of the many articles titled something like "US Health System Ranks Last Among High-Income Countries" to learn more.

It might be working for YOU, and it might not be working for 1 guy in England (who knows his circumstance), but that doesn't mean much to me.

> The remaining 9% need options too, but ripping out something that works pretty well for 91% to accommodate the 9% is not a good strategy.

My point is it's not working for MANY of the 91% and 9% uninsured is a failure anyway... That's 30 million people. I think it's better to put it that way because it doesn't dehumanize them behind a small percent number.


william-t-power t1_jan5kws wrote

As you can see from my comment, I didn't dehumanize them. I did put them in context, though. Also, you're mistaken about our Healthcare. Our Healthcare is some of the best in the world. One great stat of ours is cancer survival rates, it's one of the top. People fly to the US all the time for complicated procedures for a reason.

Our health insurance system is problematic. People confuse the two fairly often.


TheGillos t1_jan7bt9 wrote

> Our Healthcare is some of the best in the world.

Find one of the many articles titled something like "US Health System Ranks Last Among High-Income Countries" to learn why you're wrong.

But you sound like you'll never be convinced because you're happy and "you've got yours".


william-t-power t1_jan8atq wrote

Judging an entire healthcare system is not a trivial thing and what constitutes "great" is not straightforward. This is why I brought up our cancer survival rates. Cancer is a notoriously hard thing to treat and is a very complex thing. Doing well in that is a very good sign. Additionally, we have world class medical institutions like the Mayo clinic and John's Hopkins, which drive a lot of excellence and innovation in the US health care system. There's quite a lot of travel to the US for medical procedures, which certainly suggests quality in comparison to others.

It doesn't appear that you're open to any challenging evidence given how you flippantlty dismissed the example I gave with no analysis.


KeisterConquistador t1_jalul3u wrote

I heard the burns affected nearly 90% of Leno’s face—almost his entire chin.


gwaydms t1_janydcj wrote

Can't believe I had to scroll this far for a chin joke.


Cyber_Dan t1_jal85ns wrote

Yeah its amazing how good the healthcare is when you have a few hundred million dollars in the bank.


PckMan t1_jakm3ci wrote

Is this before or after he got clotheslined on a motorcycle?


harlojones t1_jald8a5 wrote

Kelly said something about motorcycle being one of the reasons they haven’t been able to do the show, so I’d assume after


PckMan t1_jaldhe8 wrote

I thought he broke his knees on that one. Glad to see he's doing well.


SXOSXO t1_jampvu3 wrote

The only problem is he still looks like Jay Leno.

And before you get riled up, that was just a joke. I think Jay Leno is great, and I think he would appreciate a good roast, he already has.


watabby t1_jaldsqt wrote

> Leno is so funny. He is probably the most underrated comedian around.

lol “underrated”, he was literally host of the tonight show for 20 years…


GandalfSwagOff t1_jak2qo2 wrote

He has hundreds of millions of dollars and could afford teams of 24/7 care doctors. He better look good after that.


f_d t1_jal2g60 wrote

He is fully aware of that, too. He was upbeat about his recovery while acknowledging the damage he suffered and the hard work of the hospital team that took care of him.


Pancrat t1_jak8li1 wrote

His transformation was less intense then hers


LtCmdrData t1_jak3joh wrote

I wonder where that skin that went into his face came from?

I mean, maybe we are actually looking his butt?


Pillars_of_Sand t1_jak8ke3 wrote

Jay Leno is legit a cool dude. He was in the hospital making kids laugh during his burn. Why all the hate for him? Sure he was a little generic on his comedy, never political, never did anything sketchy. Why all the hate Reddit? So what he made some money, isn’t that what we are all trying to do?


LividLager t1_jakbool wrote

I find him pretty entertaining, but he's known to be fairly selfish. The most public example would be his retirement, and the reneg on it, which fucked up Conan O'Brien's career. Jay's fans have argued that Conan got a payout over the fuck over, but that's not what he, nor his fans wanted. What we got was Jimmy Fallon(eventually), who caused me to stop watching the Tonight Show.


EarlPeck t1_jakd58g wrote

Mainly it’s because I like Conan and Letterman.


ImitatesLife t1_jands0z wrote

I think his post comedy/late-night career has probably been better for him in terms of PR. his late-night stuff was the most basic, boring jokes plus people really saw him go for the ego move and fuck Connan over back in the day, and I think that cemented him as a d-bag in many peoples minds. Obviously anyone celebrating him getting burned is deranged though.


Riderz__of_Brohan t1_jakus85 wrote

Idiots still salty over Conan. If they liked Conan, they should have watched him. Ratings don’t lie


Bobo_Palermo t1_jakwt3l wrote

Reddit hates everyone who isn't poor. Leno by all accounts still works his ass of, yet people still act like he is a trust fund kid.


NeoNirvana t1_jam1ce0 wrote

Wait Kelly Clarkson has a show now?


KE4ZNR t1_jaka6t6 wrote

He really took being burned on the chin.


hopper75 OP t1_jakdf17 wrote

If it wasn't for his massive chin could've been 4th degree burns


ThisIsTheNewSleeve t1_jako7pd wrote

Yeah a shit ton of money for the best plastic surgeons alive will do that for you.


faern t1_jal1psi wrote

american healthcare system is amazing if you have the money. Seriously. You get what you pay for has never been more accurate


Fuibo2k t1_jal5lse wrote

Wow Vinny Vinesauce was spot on with this guy


nomasincali t1_jammzme wrote

I want that plastic surgeon if I ever need one. Probably not covered by my HMO.


GotMoFans t1_jamvsqx wrote

They laughed at the chin until the chin expanded his face to make reconstructive plastic surgery easier than most normal chinned humans.


LifeBuilder t1_jakepca wrote

$450M net worth has that effect on injured celebs.


SomeBodybuilder7910 t1_jakgxmg wrote

Well he could afford American healthcare, even without insurance. And the best doctors.


G-MAN292 t1_jalwrch wrote

I never liked Leno, something about him makes me just not like him.


rsg1234 t1_janjdgo wrote

Maybe his history of racist jokes?


G-MAN292 t1_jans8ew wrote

I didn't know about that, I've never really watched a lot of him, there is just something wbiut him I dislike.


cake_piss_can t1_janeiq5 wrote

Doctors have said that the burns were mostly to his chin. Which makes this one of the largest fires in American history.


frontbuttt t1_jake0xf wrote

Lots of face to go round!


cookerg t1_jakljsh wrote

LOL, he's not a real person. People are so gullible!


Scubasteve1974 t1_jakonw8 wrote

His chin must have absorbed most of the fire.


McMacHack t1_jakyz9e wrote

Now do you like your Leno original or extra crispy?


mmille24 t1_jal4uft wrote

Reminds me of the South Park aids episode.

You just need to put 20 million dollars on your face and it's all fixed.


TheWino t1_jal8oww wrote

I just saw him yesterday driving some behemoth in Burbank. He looks great.


NaaastyButler t1_jal9gnk wrote

Did his chin get... somehow more powerful??


5050Clown t1_jal9kjf wrote

Brand new face, same corny-ass sense of humor.


Schellhammer t1_jalalnr wrote

The only reason i watched him was because conan was on at 11:35 and i didn't feel like turning the dial


PurpEL t1_jalblti wrote

Is this post motorcycle clothesline too?


cannon8195 t1_jalfd82 wrote

Her voice is constantly going out.. her show sucks


SainnQ t1_jalkmwu wrote

Cadaver flesh, pig intestinal lining and stem cell therapy.


mikel3030 t1_jalpu9x wrote

He had to use his late night money for this face


Kablaow t1_jam9vbn wrote

Is that the singer Kelly Clarkson?


SnooJokes2090 t1_jamvsli wrote

My brother’s Bio-dad was at a natural gas plant when it exploded. Threw him like 50 feet, and he had 3rd degree burns on his arms where his sleeves (rolled up at the time) wedding ring, and watch…and in his face where is eyeglasses weren’t covered. He’s has numerous surgeries to remove scar tissues from his hands, and can’t really go out in the sun uncovered. This was 10 years ago…and he still look 15-20 years younger than his actual age because, as we joke now, he got a “very aggressive chemical peel”. You’d be surprised what you can live through…and modern medicine can do quite a bit to help you recover if you are in the right area of the world.


godnah t1_jan10wn wrote

Keep your chin up, buddy.


Pikmeir t1_jan2dwc wrote

I'm glad he's not hurt from the accident, but I still don't like him at all as a person for what he did to Conan. He's never apologized for that, but instead has just doubled down and said he didn't try to do anything wrong.


tcadet2016 t1_janaifv wrote

Guy at my work got burned on the face once came back with no wrinkles not a beauty regiment I recommend


Hockshank t1_jang7jx wrote

Pretty solid bits about his own face being burned off. Say what you like, but Leno is the real deal.


fuLc t1_janjphd wrote

Is Doritos still paying him? Member them commercials he did back in the day?


emperorOfTheUniverse t1_janzefm wrote

This guy's been around since I was a kid. In 1992 he took over Carson's show. I've given him countless opportunities. Watched so many monologues. Waiting. I mean, they gave him the fucking tonight show. I'd seen interviews with other comedians, referring to how funny he was. Jay fucking Leno.

3 decades later. He's never once made me laugh. I don't get it. I feel like I've lived my life in a twilight zone episode or something. They used to say, 'he appeals more to Johnny's older demographic', and that made sense for a while. And while he's doing setups and punchlines, and I recognize that the formula is there for 'joke', I've just never once laughed at a single quip or anything he's ever said. I mean 'flaming hot dorito'? WTF?

I used to think, 'here's a guy who's just been watered down to appeal to major audiences'. But he's rich as fuck by now. Does his little car show for fun probably. He doesn't need to be Pepsi. But he still isn't funny. He never takes a chance. Never goes for it. 3 fucking decades of Jay Leno. How has he stayed on top? It doesn't make sense. WTF does he or has he ever contributed to entertainment? Why is this the guy? Did the station sign him to the tonight show deal for a 20 year contract that was unbreakable? How can mediocrity be rewarded so fervently and for so long? It just doesn't make sense. I've seen old clips of his old standup too. He wasn't funny before his big break either.

It's like his giant, Rocky Dennis fucking face is some kind of good luck charm.


SteamSpectrometer t1_jao7o2g wrote

Same amount of work done on his face as any other aging celebrity.


ottens10000 t1_jaqjf9u wrote

Nice clone bro, doesn't look a day over 60 too.

This technology is not available for the plebs like you or I and is beyond blatant.
"brand new face", yeah...


keepyeepy t1_jandjl9 wrote

Man these comments are salty, classic reddit


mastermind_loco t1_jak3mxu wrote

He looks good! Great, now I can go back to hating him.


[deleted] t1_jaknfof wrote

I mean, that's what they told us. Can't believe shit.


sumcollegekid t1_jaktnm6 wrote

Rich people don't have such concerns. They probably put him in a hyperbaric chamber for a week or some crazy oxygen treatment shit.


SunBlindFool t1_jak231m wrote

He probably had to sell one of his thousand cars to pay for that. So tragic.


count430 t1_jal95d9 wrote

There are some truly awful people in this thread. Leno is a genuinely good person

That being said, Kelly Clarkson got extremely fucking fat holy shit
