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hopper75 OP t1_jak9gim wrote


f_d t1_jal2lbi wrote

Here's a press appearance by his doctor while he was being treated.


scullys_alien_baby t1_jal84pk wrote

interesting that the doc mentions that it was mostly 2nd degree but some portions were 3rd degree but leno just refers to them as 3rd degree.

this isn't super important but does explain why Leno doesn't look turbo busted compared to other severe burn victims.


f_d t1_jalaje2 wrote

He needed two separate surgeries and could have had his pick of reconstructive surgeons. The important functional parts of his face were spared, but he needed some skin grafts and reconstruction. So he looks considerably better than the scarring he would have if he had received more basic treatment just to prevent infection. Whatever the level of burn, it was a serious injury that he was lucky wasn't much worse.


mqee t1_jal8tqg wrote

>possibly some third degree burns

So the vast majority were "deep second-degree burns" and the doctors weren't sure there were any third-degree burns.