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[deleted] t1_ivi3w3i wrote


throw4jklfj t1_ivi4lr8 wrote

The comment thread went from "we shouldn't imprison children for life maybe" to "yeah kids can never change as they grow up, lock em up and throw away the key".

Brain development continues until 25 or so, meaning if people are given actual chances to rehabilitate, younger people especially would likely see lower levels of recidivism upon release.

But chuds like you just want to torture criminals, so bye.


vpforvp t1_ivid79d wrote

That’s not a person you let back into society


dcoble t1_ivjdwc8 wrote

I'm a chud who wants to torture criminals because of a very extreme case? He got a psych eval. They denied him parole because he still didn't seem fit for society.

The prison system absolutely sucks ass in a lot of cases and MAYBE if it was better we could've cured his mental issues... Or maybe he'd seem okay and then do it again. The murders weren't out of desperation. They were psychotic.