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smitemight t1_ivy3jyv wrote


Kingaz123 OP t1_ivy8evh wrote

There are people in that Facebook comment section who showed links to prove the bridge exists like you but the majority of people in the comment section still says it is fake. Their counter-argument is: why does the bridge in the video look so long (much longer than the bridge in the video you gave me or the travel link’s pictures), although the people driving the motorbikes look like they are in realistic normal size? There are much fewer trees on the two sides of the bridge in the video as well which reveals the crop at the far distance on the surface level when driving to the end of the bridge...


n3m37h t1_ivyk06k wrote

Facebook is where idiots congregate


smitemight t1_ivy9gzc wrote

They’re using a wide FOV for their camera and essentially are driving at a walking pace, which when combined, makes it feels like a much longer journey than it would be otherwise.


featherwolf t1_ivy4cfx wrote

  1. It is shot in a wide fov, making it look sorta surreal, but this is common especially on GoPro/action cam footage. can clearly see the shadows of the bikers, the foliage and the shadow of the bridge on the water on the right. It would be difficult to realistically emulate the natural shadows. Not impossible by any stretch, but would certainly take a lot of time and effort.

  1. Despite this, I can't find any mention of this waterfall or this bridge except people posting this video.

Conclusion: no reason why it couldn't be fake, but also no reason I can think of to fake such a thing. It's not a particularly interesting video or one that seems to have gotten much engagement, there are many actually scary or dangerous looking bridges in the world you can find footage of if one were just view-farming so why bother going through the work of making a fake one for very little reward?


Tpk08210 t1_ivyb521 wrote

Looks legit to me. Try and find the bridge on google earth


cheeseportandgrapes t1_ivylgw7 wrote

It looks real. The vast majority of people that will have commented on the video won’t have ridden motorbikes around rural areas of Thailand. I have. I’ve seen all kinds of cool stuff and this looks perfectly real to me.


Constant1n t1_ivz2ibo wrote

I found it.

2,85729° N, 99,22367° 0

These are the coordinates


Constant1n t1_ivz2yfb wrote

It is a bridge over the katasa waterfall in Panambean Marjanji


Kingaz123 OP t1_ivy2qjv wrote

There is a video like this on the Facebook reel but with 3x speed. The video got deleted for unknown reasons. The commenters in this reel said the bridge in the video cannot be real. They think the video is fake. But the video looks completely real to me. In my opinion, the scene in the video and the shake of the camera is too complex and too realistic to be faked. There is a guy who explains the video is fake and got thousand of likes and love reactions, but I don’t accept his inaccurate, illogical & naive explanation. I still insist that the video is real because it is completely natural and too realistic to be faked, but so many people (probably over one hundred) insulted me with the heaviest words such as extremely dumb, retarded, etc. They only accept his explanation. He explains like this:

  • the moving speed and the sake of the camera imply that the people who record this video sit on a motorbike, not walking (and the bridge is not large enough for cars or trucks to go through)

  • ⁠the video is not recorded by the person who sat in the rear position of the motorbike, because he did not record the person that sit in front of him and did not record the front part of the motorbike

  • the video is not recorded by the person who sat on the front position of the motorbike (aka the driver position) because the driver cannot turn the camera to record the left side and then the right side (and repeat the left-right recording process) like what shows. If he turns the camera, the motorbike will fall from the bridge.

  • the video focused too much on showing the left side and the right side of the bridge. This is because the editor who created the video don’t want people to see the middle of the bridge, which may have editing errors to reveal the fakery of the video. Therefore, the video is fake”

--> The explanation seems logical but I think it is illogical and unacceptable. For example, the moving speed is fast not because the person recorded this on a motorbike, but because they can walk to record the video and then speed up the video to upload to the internet. What are your opinions? Do you think the video is real or fake? Can you explain why it is real or fake?


Valendorf t1_ivy3jlk wrote

So your justification that the video can’t be fake is it looks real to you?

I hate to be the one to do it.. but you do know that quite a bit of things you watch on TV aren’t real.. right?


Kingaz123 OP t1_ivy4eqg wrote

You said something so obvious. Of course, I am in no way that stupid or naive. I know movies are obviously fake no matter how real they appear to be. But common people cannot make the video scene as real as Hollywood movies because they don’t have super-expensive CGI facilities or equipment and they do not have enough money nor CGI skills or knowledge. If common people can fake such a video like this then everyone in the world can become a billionaire Hollywood producer


Valendorf t1_ivy4szh wrote

Common people absolutely can make realistic cgi videos. It takes more than that to be a billionaire Hollywood producer though…


Kingaz123 OP t1_ivy7hco wrote

Then every blockbuster video game should be as realistic as the video above because if common people can fake the video above then big game developers can make the game graphic more realistic than the video, but they cannot. Even the best game developers cannot create such a realistic CGI graphic videos (the shake of the leaves, the shadows, the sunshine, etc.)


Valendorf t1_ivy8au4 wrote

There’s a difference between rendering a video and rendering real-time gameplay.

Ever wonder why cutscenes in video games look a lot better than actual gameplay?

I think you’re failing to get my point. My point is that you seem to be unaware of today’s technology landscape when it comes to video processing and editing, and are doing yourself a huge disservice by keeping the extremely poor viewpoint of “well it looks real to me so it can’t be fake because it was filmed on a handycam and normal people can’t edit videos to look real”