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phpworm t1_iwkjptd wrote

Video is funny but fails to show that a bunch of people still pay for it, which is in large part why they keep doing it.


TrickyWon t1_iwloewx wrote

When it’s the only choice to see the band/team/play you’ve been wanting to see for years people will pay. It’s absolutely a monopoly and gets progressively worse every year, but they know they have consumer by the jewels


phpworm t1_iwmq52p wrote

Not just the consumer, it hurts those performing as well. It's not even a necessity like gasoline is if you live anywhere outside of a big city. So unless it's some kind of status thing, or one of those situations like loot boxes in gaming where only a small handful of big spenders are actually needed for it to be profitable... It's crazy they've managed to exploit it for as long as they have.